Flower Names in Hindi & English

Hello, young nature enthusiasts! Have you ever marvelled at the variety of flowers in our world? Flowers are not just stunning; they are crucial for our ecosystem. They aid in plant pollination and provide sustenance for insects and animals. In this blog post, discover over 150 flower names in English and Hindi and deepen your appreciation for these natural wonders.

Did you know there are over 391,000 species of flowering plants on Earth? Each flower has unique beauty and traits, making learning about them so fascinating. Some have medicinal properties, while others hold cultural significance. By exploring different flower names, you can enhance your knowledge and love for nature.

In this blog post, you’ll find the names of flowers in both English and Hindi. This will help you learn about local flowers and their names in different languages, encouraging a deeper appreciation of nature. We hope this inspires you to explore the beauty of plants and flowers.

Flowers, with their vibrant colours, sweet fragrances, and delicate petals, are one of nature’s most beautiful creations. They’ve been part of human culture for centuries, used in celebrations, rituals, and ceremonies. Flowers symbolize everything from love and friendship to purity and sorrow.

This article will explore the importance of flowers and their role in human history. We will also discuss the different types of flowers, their meanings, and the various ways they are used in modern society.

Meaning Of Flowers

Understanding the meanings behind different flowers can help you choose the perfect bouquet for any occasion. For instance, red roses symbolize love and passion, while yellow roses signify friendship and joy. Pink roses express gratitude and appreciation, and white roses represent purity and innocence. By knowing these meanings, you can make thoughtful choices that convey the right message.

Types Of Flowers

There are countless varieties of flowers, each with unique beauty and meaning. Roses, for example, symbolize love and affection, while lilies represent purity and innocence. Other popular flowers include daisies, which signify simplicity; sunflowers that convey warmth and happiness; orchids known for their elegance; and tulips, representing perfect love.

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Flower Infographic which contains 32 different flowers.

Flower Names

Sr. No.FlowersEnglishHindi
1. Roseगुलाब
2. Lotusकमल
6.Tulipकन्द पुष्प
9.Balsamगुल मेहँदी
11. Butterfly Peaअपराजिता
13. Golden Showerअमलतास
14. Forest Ghostआँकुरी बाँकुरी
15. Yellow Marigold गेंदेगेंदे का फूल
16.Pot Marigoldगुले अशर्फ़ी
17. Star Jasmineकुंद पुष्प
18. Night Blooming Jasmineरात की रानी
19.Jasminum Sambacमोगरा
20.Crape Jasmineचांदनी फूल
21.White Frangipani गुलैन्ची
22.Hibiscusगुड़हल का फूल
23.Peacock Flowerगुलेतूरा फूल
24.Daisyगुलबहार का फूल
25.Scarlet Milkweedकाकतुण्डी
26.Black Turmericकाली हल्दी
27.Cobra Saffron नाग चम्पा
28.Yellow Oleanderपीला कनेर
29.Chandramallika चंद्रमल्लिका
31.Puncture Vine गोखरू
32.Blue Water Lilyनीलकमल
33.Aloe Vera Flower घृत कुमारी
35.Chamomileबबुने का फुल
36. Delonix Regia गुलमोहर
37.Night Flowering Jasmineहरसिंगार
38.Hiptageमाधवी पुष्प
40.Narcissus नर्गिस
41.Pandanus केवड़ा
42.Sweet Violetबनफशा का फूल
43.Poppy Flower खसखस
44.Grand Crinum Lilyनागदमनी
45.Prickly Pear नागफनी
46.Creeper मधु मालती
47.Stramoniumसफ़ेद धतुरा
50.Lady’s slipper orchidआर्किड फूल
51.Foxtail Orchidद्रौपदी माला
53.Bluestar Flowerअसोनिया
54.Butea Monospermaपलाश के फुल
56.Purple Passionझुमका लता
57.Indian Tulipपारस पीपल
58.Zombi Peaजंगली मूंग
59.Millingtonia Hortensisनीम चमेली
61.Star Gloryकामलता फूल
62.Indigo Flowerनील फूल
64.Queen Crape Myrtleजरुल
65.Blue Morning Gloryप्रातः श्री
66.Picotee Blue Morning Gloryपॉटोटी ब्लू मॉर्निंग ग्लोरी
67.Tanner’s Cassiaतरवड़
69.Glory Lily बचनाग
70.Brahma Kamalब्रह्मकमल
71.Burr Mallowबिचता
72.Blue Fountain Bushभरंगी
73.Burmann’s Sundewमुखजली
74.Spanish Cherryमौलश्री का पुष्प
75.Ixora Coccineaरुग्मिनी
76.MountainT Laurelमाउंटेन लॉरेल
77.Mexican uberoseरजनीगन्धा
78.Common Lantanaराईमुनिया
80.Cockscombलाल मुर्ग़ा
81.Mexican Prickly Poppyसत्यानाशी
82.Showy Rattlepodसन्नी
83.Crownसफ़ैद आक
84.Canna Lilyसर्वज्जय
85.Common Crape Myrtleसावनी
86.Siroi Lilyसिरोय कुमुदिनी
87.Ashok Flowerसीता अशोक
88.Golden Frangipaniसोन चम्पा
89.Monsoon lilyसफ़ेद मुस्ली
90.Orange Tiger Lily नारंगी बाघ लिली
91.Blood Lily रक्त लिली
92.Asiatic Lilyलिलि
93.Ranunculus Flowerरनंगक्यलस फूल
94.Hypericum flowerहाइपेरिकम फूल
95.Columbine Flowerकालंबिन फूल
96.Mirabilis Jalapaमिराबिलिस जालपा
97.Anemone Flower रत्नज्योति फूल
99.Tuberose Flower कंद फूल
100.Bluebell Flowerनीला फूल
101.Peruvian lilyपेरुवियन लिली
102.African Daisyअफ्रीकन डेज़ी
103.Crocus केसर
104.Dandelion Dewdropकुकरौंधा
105.Calotropisआक का फूल
107.Balloon Flowerगुब्बारा फूल
108.Foxtail Orchidद्रोपदिमाला
109.Bleeding Heartरक्त केतकी
110.SnowDrop / Moon Flowerगुलचाँदनी
111.Apricot Flowerखुमानी का फूल
112.Apple Flowerसेब का फूल
114.Asterतारक पुष्प
115.Indian mallowएबूटिलोन फूल
116.Papaya Flowerपपीता का फूल
118.Cockscomb Flowerलाल मुर्ग़ा
119.Creeper Flowersमधु मालती
121.Golden Frangipaniसोन चम्पा
122.Balsamगुल मेहँदी
123.Primroseबसन्ती गुलाब
125.Shameplant छूईमूई
126.Chrysanthemum Flowerचंद्रमल्लिका
127.Common White Frangipaniगुलैन्ची
130.Cypress Vine, Star Gloryकामलता
131.Chamomile Vineबाबूने का फूल
132.Banana Flowersकेले का फूल
135.Pomegranate Flowerअनार का फूल
137.Murraya कामिनी
138.Lavenderलैवेंडर के फूल
139.Golden Shower Flowerअमलतास
141.Common Lantanaराईमुनिया
142.Arabian jasmineमोगरा
143.Jasminum Sambacमल्लिका
144.Hibiscusगुड़हल जास्वंद
145.Epimedium एपिमेडियम फूल
146.Primula flowerप्रिमुला फूल
147.Veronica flowerवेरोनिका फूल
148.Hyacinthजलकुंभी फूल
149.Ipomoea flowerइपोमिया फूल
150.Mimosa flower छुईमुई

Flowers Scientific Name

Flowers are stunning and come in various species and types. Each flower has a unique scientific name, allowing for accurate identification and classification. Here, we’ve included the scientific names of flowers and provided resources such as PDFs with these names. Knowing the scientific names helps in precise identification, which is essential for research and conservation. It avoids confusion and ensures correct species study.

One benefit of knowing the scientific names of flowers is the precise identification of different species. This is crucial for scientific research and conservation efforts, as it helps researchers avoid confusion and ensures accurate study of species.

India’s rich plant diversity includes many unique and rare species. Learning the scientific names of Indian flowers enhances our appreciation and understanding of this biodiversity.

Sr. No.EnglishHindiScientific
2.LotusकमलNelumbo nucifera
3.Jasmineचमेली Jasminum
5.DaisyगुलबहारBellis perennis
6.Tulipकन्द पुष्पTulipa
7.Magnoliaचम्पाMagnolia grandiflora
8.Lavenderलैवेंडर Lavandula
9.Balsamगुल मेहँदीImpatiens
10.FlaxपटसनLinum usitatissimum
11.Butterfly PeaअपराजिताClitoria ternatea
13.Golden ShowerअमलतासCassia fistula
14.Forest Ghostआँकुरी बाँकुरीAeginetia indica
15.Yellow Marigoldगेंदे का फूलTagetes
16.Pot Marigoldगुले अशर्फ़ीCalendula officinalis
17.Star Jasmineकुंद पुष्पTrachelospermum jasminoides
18.Night Blooming Jasmineरात की रानीCestrum nocturnum
19.Primroseबसन्ती गुलाबPrimula vulgaris
20.Crape Jasmineचांदनी फूलTabernaemontana divaricata
21.Common White Frangipaniगुलैन्चीPlumeria rubra
22.Hibiscusगुड़हल का फूलrosa-sinensis
23.Peacock Flowerगुलेतूरा फूलCaesalpinia pulcherrima
24.Zombi Peaजंगली मूंगVigna vexillata
25.Scarlet Milkweedकाकतुण्डीAsclepias curassavica
26.Black Turmericकाली हल्दीCurcuma caesia
27.Cobra Saffronनाग चम्पाmesua ferrea
28.Yellow Oleanderपीला कनेरCascabela thevetia
30.PeriwinkleसदाबहारCatharanthus roseus
31.Puncture VineगोखरूTribulus terrestris
32.Blue Water LilyनीलकमलNymphaea caerulea
33.Aloe Vera Flowerघृत कुमारीAloe barbadensis miller
34.ShameplantछूईमूईMimosa pudica
35.Chamomileबबुने का फुलMatricaria chamomilla
36.Delonix Regiaगुलमोहरroyal poinciana
37.Hiptageमाधवी पुष्पbenghalensis
38.MurrayaकामिनीMurraya paniculata
40.Pandanusकेवड़ाPandanus tectorius
41.Sweet Violetबनफशा का फूलViola odorata
42.Poppy FlowerखसखसPapaver
43.Grand Crinum LilyनागदमनीCrinum asiaticum
44.Prickly PearनागफनीOpuntia
45.Stramoniumसफ़ेद धतुराDatura stramonium
47.DahliaडेहलियाAlcea rosea
48.Foxtail Orchidद्रौपदी मालाRhynchostylis
49.PansyबनफूलViola tricolor var. hortensis
50.Bluestar FlowerअसोनियाAmsonia

Caring For Flower

Taking care of flowers is essential to keep them vibrant and healthy. Here are detailed tips on how to care for your flowers:

Proper care is crucial to ensure your flowers stay fresh and beautiful for as long as possible. Start trimming the stems at a 45-degree angle and placing them in a water-filled vase. Be sure to change the water every few days and add flower food to help prolong their lifespan.

  1. Watering: Each flower name has specific watering needs. For example, some flowers like roses (गुलाब) require deep watering, while others like succulents need minimal water. Ensure the soil is moist but not waterlogged.
  2. Sunlight: Different flowers have different sunlight requirements. While sunflowers (सूरजमुखी) thrive in full sun, others, like ferns, prefer shaded areas. Place your flowers accordingly.
  3. Soil: Use well-draining soil enriched with organic matter. Flowers name in English such as marigolds (गेंदा) and pansies (पान्सी) thrive in rich, loamy soil. Adding compost can provide essential nutrients.
  4. Pruning: Regularly prune your flowers to remove dead or damaged parts. This encourages new growth and maintains the plant’s shape. For instance, pruning rose bushes helps them bloom more profusely.
  5. Pests: Keep an eye out for pests. Flowers name in Hindi like चमेली (jasmine) and बोगनवेलिया (bougainvillea) can be susceptible to aphids and mites. Use natural pest control methods like neem oil or insecticidal soap.
  6. Fertilizing: Regular feeding with balanced fertilizer can promote healthy growth. Names of flowers like lilies (लिली) and tulips (ट्यूलिप) benefit from monthly feeding during their growing season.

By understanding the needs of different flowers, whether you are looking after 10 flowers name or 100 flower names, you can ensure they thrive. Use flowers name in English and Hindi to identify and care for each type properly.


Flowers are a timeless gift that can be used to express various emotions. By understanding the different types of flowers and their meanings, you can choose the perfect bouquet for any occasion. With proper care, your flowers will continue bringing joy and beauty to your home for days.

Understanding the various flower names, whether in English or Hindi, enhances our appreciation and knowledge of these beautiful plants. Flowers play a significant role in our environment and culture. From the common roses (गुलाब) to the exotic orchids, each flower has its unique charm and significance. This guide on flower names in English and Hindi, including resources like scientific names and pictures, helps in accurate identification and appreciation of their beauty.

Whether you’re learning about 10 flower names or 100 flower names, this comprehensive list enriches your understanding of nature’s diversity. By using the names of flowers in both languages, you can connect with local flora and appreciate the richness of Indian biodiversity. This knowledge not only aids in personal learning but also supports scientific research and conservation efforts, ensuring these beautiful flowers continue to thrive for generations to come.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s) about Flowers

What is a very rare flower?

One of the rarest flowers in the world is the “Kadupul” flower, also known as the “Queen of the Night“. It is a cactus flower that blooms once a year at night and wilt within hours of blooming. It is tough to cultivate and is found in minimal regions of Sri Lanka. Another rare flower is the “Ghost Orchid,” found in Florida and Cuba and known for its elusive nature and delicate beauty.

Which flower has 1,000 petals?

There is no known flower with exactly 1,000 petals. However, some varieties of the lotus flower have been known to have up to 1,000 petals, with the world record for the most petals on a single lotus flower being 1,369 petals. The number of petals on a lotus flower can vary depending on the specific variety, growing conditions, and other factors.

What flower blooms every 50 years?

Some plants are sometimes called “flowers” and have exceptionally long bloom cycles. One example is the Agave plant, sometimes known as the “century plant” because it is said to bloom only once every 100 years. However, this is a myth – most Agave species bloom after 10 to 30 years of growth, and some may bloom more frequently.

What is all India’s flower?

India’s national flower is the Lotus (Nelumbo nucifera). The lotus is a sacred flower in Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism and is often used in religious and cultural ceremonies. The lotus is known for its beauty and resilience, as it can grow in muddy waters and still produce pristine and fragrant blooms. In many traditions, it is also an important symbol of purity, enlightenment, and rebirth.

What is a unique flower name?

Leilani, Flora, Cassia, and Petal are all lovely and uncommon flower names. Daisy, Posy, Tulip, and even Wildflower are adorable flower names. From the exotic Amaryllis to the commonplace Daisy, Clover, and Marigold, flower names for baby girls range wid

What flower has 100 petals?

The flower with 100 petals is the “centifolia” variety of the rose. It is also known as the “100-petaled rose”, or the “cabbage rose.”

What is a really cool flower name?

One of the coolest flower names is “Passion Flower.” Its intricate design and vibrant colors make it a unique and captivating bloom.

What is a cute flower?

The “Daisy” is often considered a cute flower due to its simple, cheerful, and delicate appearance.

Which flower do girls love?

While preferences vary, many girls love “Roses” due to their timeless beauty and association with love and romance. However, tastes differ, and some might prefer lilies, tulips, or peonies.

Is Rainbow Rose real?

Yes, Rainbow Roses are real. They are created by splitting the stem of a white rose and dipping each part into different colored water. The petals then absorb the colors, resulting in a vibrant, multi-colored appearance.

What is a romantic flower?

The “Red Rose” is universally recognized as a symbol of love and romance. Its deep red hue and fragrant scent have made it a favorite choice for romantic occasions for centuries.

What is the 20 flowers name?

There are many flowers, like roses, tulips, lilies, sunflowers, daisies, jasmine, orchids, marigolds, daffodils, chrysanthemums, and so on.

What are the five flowers names?

Some flowers are roses, tulips, lilies, sunflowers, and daisies.

What is the Indian flower name?

India has many flowers, such as lotus, marigold, jasmine, and rose.

What are 5 flowers in English?

Roses, lilies, daisies, tulips, and sunflowers are five flowers.

Which is the most beautiful flower?

Beauty is subjective, but many consider the rose to be the most beautiful.

What flower has 7 petals?

A septifolious flower, like the Wood Anemone, has 7 petals.

What is the English name of mogra flower?

The English name for mogra is “jasmine.”

What are the 4 main types of flowers?

The four main types are complete, incomplete, perfect, and imperfect.

What is a female flower?

 A female flower contains only pistils.

What is the most popular flower?

 The rose is often considered the most popular flower worldwide.

Which flower is 100 years?

Some bamboo species flower once every 100 years.

What flower has 21 petals?

The aster typically has 21 petals.

What flower has 24 petals?

The chrysanthemum can have 24 petals.

Which flower has 1,000 petals?

Certain cultivated peonies can have 1,000 petals.

Do roses have 30 petals?

Some hybrid tea roses can have around 30 petals.

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