30 Flowers name in Kannada (30+ ಹೂವುಗಳ ಹೆಸರು)

30 Flowers name in Kannada (30+ ಹೂವುಗಳ ಹೆಸರು)

By Meenakshi Banerjee

Hey kids! Do you love flowers and want to learn their names in Kannada? Well, you’re in luck! We’ve created a blog post with over 30 flower names in Kannada (that’s a language spoken in India). You’ll learn the names of flowers like roses, sunflowers, and Jasmine in Kannada and their English and scientific names. Isn’t that exciting?

Knowing flower’s name in Kannada can help you appreciate the beauty of nature even more. It’s always fun to learn new words in a different language, and you can impress your friends and family by telling them the Kannada name of the flowers you see in your garden or while on a walk.

If you’re curious about flower names in Hindi and English, we have another article on our website with over 150 flower names and beautiful pictures to help you learn even more. So, what are you waiting for? Let’s start exploring the world of flowers in Kannada!

30 Flowers name in Kannada (30+ ಹೂವುಗಳ ಹೆಸರು)

Jasmine ಜಾಸ್ಮಿನ್
2Marigold ಸೇಂದೆಹೂವು
5Lotus ತಾಮರ ಹೂ
6Hibiscus ಜಾವಸೆಂಟಿ
7Chrysanthemum ಸೀಂತೆಹೂವು
8Roses ಗುಲಾಬಿ
9Sunflowers ಸೂರ್ಯಕಾಂತಿ
10Gerbera Daisies ಜೆರ್ಬೆರಾ ಡೈಸಿಸ್
11Carnations ಕಾರ್ನೇಷನ್ಸ್
12Pansies ಪ್ಯಾನ್ಸಿಸ್
13Dahlia ಡೇಲಿಯಾ
14Zinnia ಜಿನ್ನಿಯಾ
15Bird of Paradise ಪರಿಸರದ ಹಕ್ಕಿಯ ಹೂ
16Gladiolus ಗ್ಲೇಡಿಯೋಲಸ್
17Bougainvillea ಬೂಗೆನ್ವಿಲಿಯಾ
18Asters ಅಸ್ಟರ್ಸ್
19Petunias ಪೆಟ್ಯೂನಿಯಾಸ್
20Bluebells ನೀಲಕಂಠ
21Orchids ಉಡುಗೆಕಂಬ
22Lilies ಲಿಲಿಗಳು
23Begonia ಬೆಗೋನಿಯ
24Geraniums ಜೆರ್ಯೊನಿಯಂಗಳು
25Morning Glory ಹುಡುಗನಿದ್ದ ತುಂಡು
26Cosmos ಕೊಸ್ಮೋಸ್
27Queen Anne’s Lace ಕ್ವೀನ್ ಅನ್ನ್ ಹೂದು
28Snapdragons ಸ್ನ್ಯಾಪ್ ಡ್ರ್ಯಾಗನ್ಸ್
29Lavender ಲ್ಯಾವೆಂಡರ್
30Foxglove ಫಾಕ್ಸ್ ಗ್ಲೋ

Importance of Flowers

Hey kids! Have you ever stopped to smell flowers and wondered why they are so important? Well, let me tell you! Flowers are not just pretty to look at; they are essential to our lives in many ways. Here are some of the reasons why flowers are essential:

Symbols of emotions: Flowers can represent different emotions and feelings. For example, a red rose is often given to show love, while a yellow flower might represent friendship. This is because flowers can have different colours, shapes, and scents that make them unique and special.

Important for celebrations: Flowers are often used in celebrations like weddings and funerals because they can represent different things. For example, white flowers are often used in funerals because they represent peace and purity, while colourful flowers are often used in weddings to show happiness and joy. Flowers are also used in festivals and other special occasions to make them more beautiful and meaningful.

Have healing powers: Many flowers have been used for centuries to help with different ailments. For example, chamomile flowers can be used to make tea, which can help us relax and sleep better. Other flowers, like lavender, which has a calming scent, can help us feel less stressed.

Help pollinate plants: Bees and other insects rely on flowers to make honey, but they also help flowers reproduce by spreading their pollen. This is important because it helps plants grow and reproduce, which is essential for our ecosystem.

Make the world more beautiful: Flowers come in many different shapes, sizes, and colours, and they can be found in gardens, parks, and even on the side of the road! They make our world a more beautiful and vibrant place to live. By caring for flowers, we can help preserve their beauty and ensure that they continue to brighten up our world for years to come.

So, as you can see, flowers are essential in many ways. Whether they make us feel happy, help us heal, or brighten our day, flowers are essential to our world, and we should take care of them.

Flowers Detailed Information (ಹೂವುಗಳ ವಿವರವಾದ ಮಾಹಿತಿ)

Flowers are beautiful to look at and hold significant importance in our lives. They have a rich history and cultural significance and are often used in celebrations, traditional medicine, and even as symbols of emotions. This blog post will share detailed information about different flowers, including their meanings, cultural significance, and medicinal properties. Specifically, we will focus on 30 flower names in Kannada, one of the main languages spoken in the Indian state of Karnataka. This post will be an excellent resource for Kannada speakers or anyone interested in learning about the diverse flora of Karnataka.

Additionally, suppose you are interested in learning about flower names in Marathi. In that case, we also have an article on our website with 25 flower names in Marathi and their meanings and uses. So don’t forget to check it out. Let’s explore the world of flowers and their fascinating details together!

1. Jasmine (ಜಾಸ್ಮಿನ್)

Jasmine is a fragrant flower known for its delicate beauty and sweet scent. It is a tropical plant that is native to South Asia, but it is now grown all over the world for its fragrance and ornamental value. There are several varieties of jasmine, but the most popular one is the jasmine or Jasminum officinale.

  • Family (ಕುಟುಂಬ ): Oleaceae (ಮಲ್ಲಿಗೆ ಕುಲ)
  • Leaves Color ( ಎಲೆಗಳ ಬಣ್ಣ): Green (ಹಸಿರು)
Plant Type ( ಮರ): Flowering shrub (ಹೂಗೆಡತಿ)
Geographical Origin ( ಭೌಗೋಳಿಕ ಮೂಲ):Asia (ಆಸಿಯಾ)
Plant Size (ಸಸ್ಯದ ಗಾತ್ರ): Small to medium (ಸಣ್ಣ ಹಾಗೂ ಮಧ್ಯಮ)
Sunlight Requirement (ಸೂರ್ಯಪ್ರಕಾಶ ಬೇಕಾಗಿರುವ ಅಗತ್ಯ): Full sunlight to partial shade (ಪೂರ್ಣ ಸೂರ್ಯಪ್ರಕಾಶಕ್ಕೆ ಮೂಲಕ ಪಾರ್ಶ್ವದ ಮುಂದಿನ ಕಾಂತಿಗೆ)
Plant Zone ( ಸಸ್ಯ ವಲಯ): Zones 7-10 (ಕ್ಷೇತ್ರಗಳು 7-10)
Biodiversity ( ಜೈವವೈವಿಧ್ಯ):High (ಉನ್ನತ)
Toxic (ವಿಷಾದಾಯಕ):Parts of the plant may be toxic if ingested (ಬಳಸಲು ದೂರುವ ಭಾಗಗಳು ಸಾಕಾಗಿದರೆ ಮಂದಾಗುವುದು)
Fragrant (ಸುವಾಸನಾಯುಕ್ತ): Yes (ವಾಸನೆಯುಳ್ಳ)

2. Marigold (ಸೇಂದೆಹೂವು)

Marigold, a vibrant and fragrant flower, is cherished for its colourful blooms and diverse applications. Belonging to Asteraceae, it is native to the Americas and widely cultivated worldwide.

With its yellow, orange, and red petals, Marigold adds brightness to gardens and floral arrangements. It holds cultural significance, used in festivals and religious rituals. Its medicinal properties and role as a pollinator attract attention. Marigold embodies beauty, fragrance, and versatility in a captivating floral package.

  • Family (ಕುಟುಂಬ ): Asteraceae (ಅಸ್ಟರೇಸೆಯುಗಳು)
  • Leaves Color ( ಎಲೆಗಳ ಬಣ್ಣ): Green (ಹಸಿರು)
Plant Type ( ಮರ): Flowering plant (ಹೂಗಳ ಸಸ್ಯ)
Geographical Origin ( ಭೌಗೋಳಿಕ ಮೂಲ):Americas (ಅಮೆರಿಕಾ)
Plant Size (ಸಸ್ಯದ ಗಾತ್ರ): Small to medium (ಸಣ್ಣ ಹಾಗೂ ಮಧ್ಯಮ)
Sunlight Requirement (ಸೂರ್ಯಪ್ರಕಾಶ ಬೇಕಾಗಿರುವ ಅಗತ್ಯ): Full sunlight (ಪೂರ್ಣ ಸೂರ್ಯಪ್ರಕಾಶ ಅಗತ್ಯ)
Plant Zone ( ಸಸ್ಯ ವಲಯ): Zones 2-11 (ಕ್ಷೇತ್ರಗಳು 2-11)
Biodiversity ( ಜೈವವೈವಿಧ್ಯ):Medium (ಮಧ್ಯಮ)
Toxic (ವಿಷಾದಾಯಕ):Non-toxic (ಮೂಲೆನರಿನ)
Fragrant (ಸುವಾಸನಾಯುಕ್ತ): Yes (ವಾಸನೆಯುಳ್ಳ)

3. Ixora (ಇಕ್ಸೋರಾ)

Ixora is a beautiful flowering shrub known for its vibrant and showy clusters of flowers. Native to tropical regions, particularly in Asia, Ixora plants are cherished for their stunning colours, including red, orange, pink, and yellow.

With its glossy green leaves, Ixora adds a touch of elegance to gardens and landscapes. These versatile plants thrive in warm climates and attract pollinators, making them a popular choice for adding a splash of color to outdoor spaces.

  • Family (ಕುಟುಂಬ ): Rubiaceae (ಕಾಳಾಕ್ಷಿ ಕುಲ)
  • Leaves Color ( ಎಲೆಗಳ ಬಣ್ಣ): Green (ಹಸಿರು)
Plant Type ( ಮರ): Shrub (ಹೂಗೆಡತಿ)
Geographical Origin ( ಭೌಗೋಳಿಕ ಮೂಲ):Tropical regions (ಉಷ್ಣಕಟ್ಟು ಪ್ರದೇಶಗಳು)
Plant Size (ಸಸ್ಯದ ಗಾತ್ರ): Medium to large (ಮಧ್ಯಮ ಹಾಗೂ ದೊಡ್ಡ)
Sunlight Requirement (ಸೂರ್ಯಪ್ರಕಾಶ ಬೇಕಾಗಿರುವ ಅಗತ್ಯ): Full sunlight to partial shade (ಪೂರ್ಣ ಸೂರ್ಯಪ್ರಕಾಶಕ್ಕೆ ಮೂಲಕ ಪಾರ್ಶ್ವದ ಮುಂದಿನ ಕಾಂತಿಗೆ)
Plant Zone ( ಸಸ್ಯ ವಲಯ): Zones 10-11 (ಕ್ಷೇತ್ರಗಳು 10-11)
Biodiversity ( ಜೈವವೈವಿಧ್ಯ):Moderate (ಮಧ್ಯಮ)
Toxic (ವಿಷಾದಾಯಕ):Non-toxic (ಮಂದಾಗುವುದಿಲ್ಲ)
Fragrant (ಸುವಾಸನಾಯುಕ್ತ): 

Yes (ವಾಸನೆಯುಳ್ಳ)

4. Periwinkle (ಪೆರಿವಿಂಕಲ್)

Periwinkle, also known as Vinca, is a charming and resilient flowering plant that enchants its delicate blossoms and glossy green foliage. Belonging to the Apocynaceae family, it is native to Europe but widely cultivated worldwide.

Periwinkle features small, five-petaled flowers in shades of purple, blue, or white, adding a touch of elegance to gardens and landscapes. With its ability to withstand various conditions, Periwinkle is a popular choice for ground cover, borders, and container gardening. Its beauty and adaptability make it a treasured addition to any floral display. 

  • Family (ಕುಟುಂಬ ): : Convolvulaceae (ಕನ್ನಡ: ಅಗಿಗೆಕೆಟ್ಟು ಕುಟುಂಬ)
  • Leaves Color ( ಎಲೆಗಳ ಬಣ್ಣ): Green (ಹಸಿರು)
Plant Type ( ಮರ): Perennial vine (ಸನಾತನ ಹೆಜ್ಜೆ)
Geographical Origin ( ಭೌಗೋಳಿಕ ಮೂಲ):Europe (ಐರೋಪ್)
Plant Size (ಸಸ್ಯದ ಗಾತ್ರ): Small to medium (ಸಣ್ಣ ಹಾಗೂ ಮಧ್ಯಮ)
Sunlight Requirement (ಸೂರ್ಯಪ್ರಕಾಶ ಬೇಕಾಗಿರುವ ಅಗತ್ಯ): Full sunlight to partial shade (ಪೂರ್ಣ ಸೂರ್ಯಪ್ರಕಾಶಕ್ಕೆ ಮೂಲಕ ಪಾರ್ಶ್ವದ ಮುಂದಿನ ಕಾಂತಿಗೆ)
Plant Zone ( ಸಸ್ಯ ವಲಯ): Zones 4-8 (ಕ್ಷೇತ್ರಗಳು 4-8)
Biodiversity ( ಜೈವವೈವಿಧ್ಯ):Moderate (ಮಿತಿಯ ಹೆಚ್ಚಳ)
Toxic (ವಿಷಾದಾಯಕ):Non-toxic (ನಾಶಕಾರಕ ಅಲ್ಲ)
Fragrant (ಸುವಾಸನಾಯುಕ್ತ): 

Yes (ವಾಸನೆಯುಳ್ಳ)

5. Lotus (ತಾಮರ ಹೂ)

The Lotus flower, known for its exquisite beauty and symbolism, is a sacred aquatic plant revered in various cultures. It emerges gracefully from muddy waters, representing purity and spiritual enlightenment. With its iconic pink or white petals and striking symmetry, the Lotus holds deep cultural significance, signifying rebirth, divine beauty, and the transcendence of earthly struggles. This exquisite flower captivates hearts with its elegance and continues to inspire awe and admiration across the world.

  • Family (ಕುಟುಂಬ ): : Nelumbonaceae ( ನೇಲುಂಬುಗಳ ಕುಟುಂಬ)
  • Leaves Color ( ಎಲೆಗಳ ಬಣ್ಣ): Green ( ಹಸಿರು)
Plant Type ( ಮರ): Aquatic ( ಜಲೋದ್ದೇಶೀ)
Geographical Origin ( ಭೌಗೋಳಿಕ ಮೂಲ):Asia ( ಏಷ್ಯಾ)
Plant Size (ಸಸ್ಯದ ಗಾತ್ರ): Large (ದೊಡ್ಡ)
Sunlight Requirement (ಸೂರ್ಯಪ್ರಕಾಶ ಬೇಕಾಗಿರುವ ಅಗತ್ಯ): Full sun ( ಪೂರ್ಣ ಸೂರ್ಯಕಿರಣಗಳ ಬೇಕು)
Plant Zone ( ಸಸ್ಯ ವಲಯ): 4-11 (4-11 ಕೆಂಪು ಮತ್ತು ಕೂವಳಿ)
Biodiversity ( ಜೈವವೈವಿಧ್ಯ):

High ( ಉಚ್ಚ ಜೈವವೈವಿಧ್ಯ)

Toxic (ವಿಷಾದಾಯಕ): No ( ವಿಷಯುಕ್ತವಾಗಿಲ್ಲ)
Fragrant (ಸುವಾಸನಾಯುಕ್ತ): 

Yes ( ಸುಗಂಧಯುಕ್ತ)

6. Hibiscus (ಜಾವಸೆಂಟಿ)

The Hibiscus, a vibrant and captivating flower, is renowned for its beauty and versatility. With its large, showy petals and striking colors, the Hibiscus stands as an emblem of tropical splendor. Native to warm climates, this flowering plant thrives in various regions around the world.

From its lush green leaves to its exquisite blooms, the Hibiscus adds a touch of elegance to gardens, landscapes, and even floral arrangements. Beyond its visual appeal, the Hibiscus is celebrated for its medicinal properties and is often used in traditional remedies. With its allure and multifaceted nature, the Hibiscus continues to captivate hearts and senses worldwide.

  • Family (ಕುಟುಂಬ ):  Malvaceae (ಮ್ಯಾಲ್ವೇಸಿಯೆ)
  • Leaves Color ( ಎಲೆಗಳ ಬಣ್ಣ): Green (ಹಸಿರು)
Plant Type ( ಮರ): Perennial (ಸ್ಥಾಯಿ)
Geographical Origin ( ಭೌಗೋಳಿಕ ಮೂಲ):Tropical regions (ಉಷ್ಣಮಂಡಲ)
Plant Size (ಸಸ್ಯದ ಗಾತ್ರ): Variable (ಬದಲಾವಣೆಗೊಳಿಸುವ)
Sunlight Requirement (ಸೂರ್ಯಪ್ರಕಾಶ ಬೇಕಾಗಿರುವ ಅಗತ್ಯ): Full sun to partial shade (ಪೂರ್ಣ ಬೆಳಕಿಗೆ ಬೇಕಾದ ಬೆಳಕು ಸ್ವಲ್ಪ ಹುದ್ದೆ)
Plant Zone ( ಸಸ್ಯ ವಲಯ): 4-9 (ಗಿಡದ ಮೇಲ್ಮೆಯ ವಲಯ: ೪-೯)
Biodiversity ( ಜೈವವೈವಿಧ್ಯ):High (ಜೀವರಾಶಿ ವೈವಿಧ್ಯ: ಉಚ್ಚ)
Toxic (ವಿಷಾದಾಯಕ):Non-toxic (ವಿಷಾದರಹಿತ)
Fragrant (ಸುವಾಸನಾಯುಕ್ತ): 

Yes (ಸುವಾಸನೆಯುಳ್ಳ)

7. Chrysanthemum (ಸೀಂತೆಹೂವು)

Chrysanthemums, commonly known as mums, are beautiful and vibrant flowers that belong to the Asteraceae family. Originating from East Asia, these perennial plants come in various sizes, showcasing an array of colourful blooms.

Chrysanthemums thrive in full sun to partial shade and are highly diverse in shapes and sizes. They are non-toxic and pleasant, making them a popular choice for gardens, floral arrangements, and cultural significance worldwide.

  • Family (ಕುಟುಂಬ ): Asteraceae (Composite family) (ಅಸ್ಪರೇಗೆಸಿ)
  • Leaves Color ( ಎಲೆಗಳ ಬಣ್ಣ): Green (ಹಸಿರು)
Plant Type ( ಮರ): Perennial (ಸಸ್ಯ)
Geographical Origin ( ಭೌಗೋಳಿಕ ಮೂಲ):East Asia (ಪೂರ್ವ ಆಶಿಯ)
Plant Size (ಸಸ್ಯದ ಗಾತ್ರ): Varies (ವೇಗಾಯಿತುಂಡುಗಳು)
Sunlight Requirement (ಸೂರ್ಯಪ್ರಕಾಶ ಬೇಕಾಗಿರುವ ಅಗತ್ಯ): Full sun to partial shade (ಬೆಳಕು ಬೇಕಾಗಿದೆ)
Plant Zone ( ಸಸ್ಯ ವಲಯ): Varies (ವೇಗಾಯಿತುಂಡುಗಳು)
Biodiversity ( ಜೈವವೈವಿಧ್ಯ):High (ಜೀವರಾಶಿ ವೈವಿಧ್ಯ: ಉಚ್ಚ)
Toxic (ವಿಷಾದಾಯಕ):Non-toxic (ವಿಷಾದರಹಿತ)
Fragrant (ಸುವಾಸನಾಯುಕ್ತ): 

Yes (ಸುವಾಸನೆಯುಳ್ಳ)

8.  Rose (ಗುಲಾಬಿ)

Roses, renowned for their elegance and beauty, captivate hearts across the globe. These iconic flowers have been cherished for centuries, symbolizing love, passion, and romance. With their velvety petals and enchanting fragrance, roses are a timeless emblem of affection and admiration. 

Available in many colours, each hue carries its significance, conveying emotions that words often struggle to express. From delicate buds to fully bloomed blossoms, roses continue to grace gardens, bouquets, and memorable moments, evoking joy and enchantment in their presence.

  • Family (ಕುಟುಂಬ ): Rsaceae (ಕೇತಕಿ ಕುಲ)
  • Leaves Color ( ಎಲೆಗಳ ಬಣ್ಣ): Green ( ಹಸಿರು)
Plant Type ( ಮರ): Shrub (ಕಂದೆ)
Geographical Origin ( ಭೌಗೋಳಿಕ ಮೂಲ):Asia ( ಆಶಿಯಾ)
Plant Size (ಸಸ್ಯದ ಗಾತ್ರ): Variable ( ಬದಲಾಗುವುದು)
Sunlight Requirement (ಸೂರ್ಯಪ್ರಕಾಶ ಬೇಕಾಗಿರುವ ಅಗತ್ಯ): Full sun ( ಮುಖ್ಯ ಬೆಳಕು )
Plant Zone ( ಸಸ್ಯ ವಲಯ): Varies ( ಬೆಂಗಳೂರು)
Biodiversity ( ಜೈವವೈವಿಧ್ಯ):High ( ಜೈವಿವಿಧತೆ)
Toxic (ವಿಷಾದಾಯಕ):No (ವಿಷಪ್ರದವಾಗಿಲ್ಲ )
Fragrant (ಸುವಾಸನಾಯುಕ್ತ): Yes ( ಸುಗಂಧವೂಟ್ಟುವುದು)

9. Sunflowers (ಸೂರ್ಯಕಾಂತಿ)

Sunflowers, with their vibrant and towering presence, captivate hearts with their beauty and symbolism. These magnificent flowers, scientifically known as Helianthus annuus, are renowned for their striking yellow petals surrounding a central disk.

Originating from North America, sunflowers have spread across the globe, becoming beloved icons of warmth and happiness. With their impressive height and resilience, sunflowers follow the sun’s path, symbolizing optimism and positivity. They brighten gardens and provide valuable seeds and oil, making them cherished and versatile plants in nature and culture.

  • Family (ಕುಟುಂಬ ): Asteraceae ( ಅಸ್ಟೆರೇಸಿಯೇ)
  • Leaves Color ( ಎಲೆಗಳ ಬಣ್ಣ): Green (ಹಸಿರು)
Plant Type ( ಮರ): Annual (ವಾರ್ಷಿಕ)
Geographical Origin ( ಭೌಗೋಳಿಕ ಮೂಲ):North America ( ಉತ್ತರ ಅಮೇರಿಕಾ)
Plant Size (ಸಸ್ಯದ ಗಾತ್ರ): Variable ( ಬದಲಾಗುವ)
Sunlight Requirement (ಸೂರ್ಯಪ್ರಕಾಶ ಬೇಕಾಗಿರುವ ಅಗತ್ಯ): Full Sun ( ಪೂರ್ಣ ಸೂರ್ಯಕಿರಣ)
Plant Zone ( ಸಸ್ಯ ವಲಯ): 

3-9 (3-9 ಪ್ರಾಂತ)

Biodiversity ( ಜೈವವೈವಿಧ್ಯ):High (ಪ್ರಾಣಿವೈವಿಧ್ಯ)
Toxic (ವಿಷಾದಾಯಕ):Non-toxic ( ವಿಷಾದಿತ ಇಲ್ಲ)
Fragrant (ಸುವಾಸನಾಯುಕ್ತ): Mild ( ಮೃದು)

10. Gerbera Daisies(ಜೆರ್ಬೆರಾ ಡೈಸಿಸ್)

Gerbera daisies, known for their vibrant and captivating blooms, are popular among flower enthusiasts. These beautiful flowers, native to South Africa, belong to the Asteraceae family. With their wide range of colours, including red, yellow, pink, and white, Gerbera daisies bring cheerfulness and elegance to any setting.

Their large, daisy-like petals and contrasting centres make them a striking addition to gardens, bouquets, and floral arrangements. Gerbera daisies are visually stunning and symbolize purity, innocence, and beauty, making them a beloved flower worldwide.

  • Family(ಕುಟುಂಬ ): Asteraceae ( ಹೂಗಳ ಕುಟುಂಬ)
  • Leaves Color ( ಎಲೆಗಳ ಬಣ್ಣ): Green ( ಹಸಿರು)
Plant Type ( ಮರ): Perennial ( ಸದಾ ಪ್ರತಿಷ್ಠಿತ)
Geographical Origin ( ಭೌಗೋಳಿಕ ಮೂಲ):Africa, Asia, and South America (ಆಫ್ರಿಕಾ, ಏಷ್ಯಾ ಮತ್ತು ದಕ್ಷಿಣ ಅಮೇರಿಕಾ)
Plant Size (ಸಸ್ಯದ ಗಾತ್ರ): Varies, usually small to medium-sized (ವೈವಿಧ್ಯಮಯ ಅಳತೆ, ಸಾಮಾನ್ಯವಾಗಿ ಸಣ್ಣದಿಂದ ಮಧ್ಯಮ ಗಾತ್ರದ)
Sunlight Requirement (ಸೂರ್ಯಪ್ರಕಾಶ ಬೇಕಾಗಿರುವ ಅಗತ್ಯ): Full Sun (ಪೂರ್ಣ ಸೂರ್ಯನ ಬೇಕಿಕೆ)
Plant Zone ( ಸಸ್ಯ ವಲಯ): Varies, typically zones 8 to 11 ( ವೈವಿಧ್ಯಮಯ, ಸಾಮಾನ್ಯವಾಗಿ 8 ರಿಂದ 11 ರ ವರೆಗೆ ಮಂಡಲ)
Biodiversity ( ಜೈವವೈವಿಧ್ಯ):High (ಉನ್ನತ)
Toxic (ವಿಷಾದಾಯಕ):Non-toxic ( ವಿಷಯುಕ್ತವಲ್ಲ)
Fragrant (ಸುವಾಸನಾಯುಕ್ತ): 

Some varieties are fragrant (ಕೆಲವು ವಿಧಗಳಲ್ಲಿ ಸುಗಂಧವೂ ಇದೆ)

 11. Carnations (ಕಾರ್ನೇಷನ್ಸ್)

Carnations, with their delicate petals and captivating fragrance, are beloved flowers that have been cherished for centuries. These charming blooms, scientifically known as Dianthus caryophyllus, are native to the Mediterranean region and are cultivated worldwide for their beauty and versatility.

Carnations come in various colours, symbolizing different sentiments and making them popular for various occasions. With their timeless elegance and enduring popularity, carnations continue to enchant flower enthusiasts and bring joy and beauty to any floral arrangement.

  • Family(ಕುಟುಂಬ ): Caryophyllaceae ( ಗುಲಾಬಿ ಕುಟುಂಬ )
  • Leaves Color ( ಎಲೆಗಳ ಬಣ್ಣ): Green ( ಹಸಿರು)
Plant Type ( ಮರ): Perennial ( ಸದಾ ಪ್ರತಿಷ್ಠಿತ)
Geographical Origin ( ಭೌಗೋಳಿಕ ಮೂಲ):Mediterranean region (ಮಧ್ಯಮೆದಿತ್ರಾನಿಯಾ ಪ್ರದೇಶ)
Plant Size (ಸಸ್ಯದ ಗಾತ್ರ): Varies depending on the species, usually between 20-80 cm in height ( ಜಾತಿಯ ಆಧಾರದಲ್ಲಿ ಬೇರೆ ಬೇರೆಯಾಗಿ ಹೆಚ್ಚು ಕಡಿಮೆ ಆಗುತ್ತದೆ, ಸಾಮಾನ್ಯವಾಗಿ 20-80 ಸೆ.ಮೀ ಎತ್ತರದಲ್ಲಿ ಇರುತ್ತದೆ)
Sunlight Requirement (ಸೂರ್ಯಪ್ರಕಾಶ ಬೇಕಾಗಿರುವ ಅಗತ್ಯ): Full sun to partial shade ( ಪೂರ್ಣ ಸೂರ್ಯನುಕರಣೆ ನೇರವಾದ ಕತ್ತಲಿನವರೆಗೂ)
Plant Zone ( ಸಸ್ಯ ವಲಯ): Varies depending on the species, but most carnations thrive in zones 5-9 ( ಜಾತಿಯ ಆಧಾರದಲ್ಲಿ ಬೇರೆ ಬೇರೆಯಾಗಿ ಹೆಚ್ಚು ಕಡಿಮೆ ಜೋನ್‌ಗಳಲ್ಲಿ ಬೆಳೆಯುತ್ತವೆ, ಆದರೆ ಹೆಚ್ಚುಹೆಚ್ಚು ಅರಸರು 5-9 ಜೋನ್‌ಗಳಲ್ಲಿ ಉತ್ತಮವಾಗಿ ಬೆಳೆಯುತ್ತಾರೆ)
Biodiversity ( ಜೈವವೈವಿಧ್ಯ):Carnations have a wide variety of species and cultivars, resulting in significant biodiversity within the genus Dianthus ( ಕಾರ್ನೇಶನ್ ಪಕ್ಷಿ ಜನಾಂಗಗಳು ಬೇರೆ ಬೇರೆ ಜನಾಂಗಗಳು ಮತ್ತು ನೈರೂಪ್ಯ ಜಾತಿಗಳನ್ನು ಹೊಂದಿರುತ್ತದೆ, ಮತ್ತು ಪ್ರಮುಖ ನೈರೂಪ್ಯ ಜಾತಿ ಪದರಗಳಲ್ಲಿ ವಿವಿಧತೆ ಇರುತ್ತದೆ)
Toxic (ವಿಷಾದಾಯಕ):: Carnations are not considered toxic to humans or pets ( ಕಾರ್ನೇಶನ್‌ಗಳನ್ನು ಮಾನವರಿಗೂ ಅಥವಾ ಪ್ರಾಣಿಗಳಿಗೂ ವಿಷಯೀ ಎಂದು ನಂಬಲಾಗುವುದಿಲ್ಲ)
Fragrant (ಸುವಾಸನಾಯುಕ್ತ): 

Yes ( ಹೂವುಗಳು ಮೇಲೆ ಸುವಾಸನೆಯಿದೆ)

 12. Pansies (ಪ್ಯಾನ್ಸಿಸ್)

Pansies, with their vibrant colours and delicate charm, are beloved flowers that bring joy to any garden or floral arrangement. These petite beauties belong to the Viola genus and are known for their distinctive “faces” with overlapping petals.

Pansies are known to symbolize thoughtfulness and remembrance. With their velvety texture and captivating hues, these versatile flowers thrive in cool weather, making them a popular choice for adding splashes of colour to gardens and containers during the spring and fall seasons.

  • Family(ಕುಟುಂಬ ): Violaceae ( ಕುಲ)
  • Leaves Color ( ಎಲೆಗಳ ಬಣ್ಣ): Green (ಹಸಿರು)
Plant Type ( ಮರ): Perennial (ಸಾಲೆಗಾಲಿಕ)
Geographical Origin ( ಭೌಗೋಳಿಕ ಮೂಲ):Europe and Western Asia (ಐರೋಪ್ ಮತ್ತು ಪಶ್ಚಿಮ ಆಶಿಯ)
Plant Size (ಸಸ್ಯದ ಗಾತ್ರ): Small (ಸಣ್ಣ)
Sunlight Requirement (ಸೂರ್ಯಪ್ರಕಾಶ ಬೇಕಾಗಿರುವ ಅಗತ್ಯ): Partial shade to full sun (ಆವರಿಕೆಯ ಕಿಡಿಗಳಿಗೆ ಭಾಗಿತವಾದ ಪೂರ್ಣ ಸೂರ್ಯಕಿರಣ)
Plant Zone ( ಸಸ್ಯ ವಲಯ): 3 to 8 (ನಂತರ 3 ರಿಂದ 8 ರವರೆಗೆ)
Biodiversity ( ಜೈವವೈವಿಧ್ಯ):High (ಉಚ್ಚ ಜೈವವಿವಿಧ್ದತೆ)
Toxic (ವಿಷಾದಾಯಕ):Non-toxic (ಅಮಾಧ್ಯಮದಲ್ಲಿದೆ)
Fragrant (ಸುವಾಸನಾಯುಕ್ತ): Yes (ಹೂವಿನ ಪವಿತ್ರತೆ ಇದೆ)

 13. Dahlia (ಡೇಲಿಯಾ)

Dahlias are stunning flowers known for their vibrant colours and intricate petal patterns. They come in various shapes and sizes, captivating gardeners and flower enthusiasts alike. Originating from Mexico, dahlias have become popular worldwide due to their beauty and versatility.

These blooms thrive in full sunlight and well-drained soil, making them ideal for garden beds and containers. With their alluring charm and diverse range, dahlias are a beloved choice for adding elegance and charm to any floral arrangement or garden setting.

  • Family(ಕುಟುಂಬ ): Asteraceae ( ಅಸ್ಟೆರೇಸಿಯೇ)
  • Leaves Color ( ಎಲೆಗಳ ಬಣ್ಣ): Green ( ಹಸಿರು)
Plant Type ( ಮರ): Perennial (ಬಹುವಾರ್ಷಿಕ)
Geographical Origin ( ಭೌಗೋಳಿಕ ಮೂಲ):Mexico, Central America, Colombia (ಮೆಕ್ಸಿಕೊ, ಮಧ್ಯ ಅಮೇರಿಕಾ, ಕೊಲಂಬಿಯಾ)
Plant Size (ಸಸ್ಯದ ಗಾತ್ರ): Varies ( ಬದಲಾಗುತ್ತದೆ)
Sunlight Requirement (ಸೂರ್ಯಪ್ರಕಾಶ ಬೇಕಾಗಿರುವ ಅಗತ್ಯ): Full sun (ಪೂರ್ಣ ಸೂರ್ಯಪ್ರಕಾಶ)
Plant Zone ( ಸಸ್ಯ ವಲಯ): 8-11 (8-11 ವನಾನುಕೂಲ ವನ)
Biodiversity ( ಜೈವವೈವಿಧ್ಯ):Rich ( ಸಂಪದ್ಯವಾದ)
Toxic (ವಿಷಾದಾಯಕ):Non-toxic ( ಅನಾರೋಗ್ಯಕರ)
Fragrant(ಸುವಾಸನಾಯುಕ್ತ):Some varieties are fragrant ( ಕೆಲವು ಬಗೆಯಲ್ಲಿ ಸುವಾಸನೆಯಿದೆ)

 14. Zinnia (ಜಿನ್ನಿಯಾ)

Zinnia, a vibrant and enchanting flower, is popular among gardeners and enthusiasts. Its wide range of colours and attractive petals adds a touch of beauty to any landscape. Zinnias are known for their resilience and ability to thrive in various climates.

These cheerful blooms symbolize endurance, joy, and lasting affection. Whether adorning gardens, bouquets, or floral arrangements, Zinnias never fail to captivate with their charming presence.

  • Family(ಕುಟುಂಬ ): Asteraceae (Sunflower family) ( ಡ್ಯೂಸ್ಟೀ ಸಸ್ಯ ಕುಟುಂಬ)
  • Leaves Color ( ಎಲೆಗಳ ಬಣ್ಣ): Green ( ಹಸಿರು)
Plant Type ( ಮರ): Annual or perennial herb ( ವಾರ್ಷಿಕ ಅಥವಾ ವಾಸಂತಿಕ ವನಸ್ಪತಿ)
Geographical Origin ( ಭೌಗೋಳಿಕ ಮೂಲ):Mexico and Southwest United States ( ಮೆಕ್ಸಿಕೊ ಮತ್ತು ಉತ್ತರಪಶ್ಚಿಮ ಅಮೆರಿಕ)
Plant Size (ಸಸ್ಯದ ಗಾತ್ರ): Varies depending on the species, usually small to medium-sized ( ಜನಾಂಗದ ಆಧಾರದ ಮೇರೆಯಲ್ಲಿ ವ್ಯತ್ಯಯಿಸುತ್ತದೆ, ಸಾಮಾನ್ಯವಾಗಿ ಸಣ್ಣ ಮತ್ತು ಮಧ್ಯಮ ಗಾತ್ರದ)
Sunlight Requirement (ಸೂರ್ಯಪ್ರಕಾಶ ಬೇಕಾಗಿರುವ ಅಗತ್ಯ): Full sun to partial shade ( ಪೂರ್ಣ ಸೂರ್ಯನು ಪಾಲಿಸುವುದು ಮತ್ತು ಅರ್ಧ ಬೆಳಕಿನ ಪ್ರದೇಶ)
Plant Zone ( ಸಸ್ಯ ವಲಯ): Varies depending on the species, usually zones 2-11 ( ಜನಾಂಗದ ಆಧಾರದ ಮೇರೆಯಲ್ಲಿ ವ್ಯತ್ಯಯಿಸುತ್ತದೆ, ಸಾಮಾನ್ಯವಾಗಿ ಗುಂಪುಗಳು 2-11)
Biodiversity ( ಜೈವವೈವಿಧ್ಯ):Zinnia flowers exhibit a wide range of biodiversity, with numerous species and cultivars showcasing different colors, petal forms, and growth habits. (ಜಿನಿಯಾ ಹೂಗಳು ವಿವಿಧ ಬಣ್ಣಗಳು, ಪುಷ್ಪ ಆಕಾರಗಳು ಮತ್ತು ಬೆಳವಣಿಗೆ ಆಚರಣೆಗಳನ್ನು ಹೊಂದಿರುವ ಅನೇಕ ಜನಾಂಗಗಳು)
Toxic (ವಿಷಾದಾಯಕ):Non-toxic (ವಿಷಯ್ಯವಿಲ್ಲ)
Fragrant(ಸುವಾಸನಾಯುಕ್ತ):Some species of Zinnia may have a mild fragrance. ( ಜಿನಿಯಾ ಜನಾಂಗದ ಕೆಲವು ಜನಾಂಗಗಳಲ್ಲಿ ಮೃದು ಸುಗಂಧ ಇರಬಹುದು)

 15. Bird of Paradise (ಪರಿಸರದ ಹಕ್ಕಿಯ ಹೂ)

Bird of Paradise, scientifically known as Strelitzia, is an exotic and captivating plant with vibrant and striking blooms. Native to South Africa, it boasts striking orange and blue petals resembling a bird in flight, thus earning its name.

This perennial plant stands tall, showcasing its unique and intricate floral structure. With its majestic presence and tropical allure, the Bird of Paradise is a true showstopper, adding a touch of elegance and splendour to any garden or landscape. 

  • Family(ಕುಟುಂಬ ): Strelitziaceae ( ಸ್ಟ್ರೆಲಿಟ್ಜಿಯಸಿಯೇ)
  • Leaves Color ( ಎಲೆಗಳ ಬಣ್ಣ): Green ( ಹಸಿರು)
Plant Type ( ಮರ): Perennial (ಸದಾಯುಕ್ತ )
Geographical Origin ( ಭೌಗೋಳಿಕ ಮೂಲ):South Africa ( ದಕ್ಷಿಣ ಆಫ್ರಿಕಾ)
Plant Size (ಸಸ್ಯದ ಗಾತ್ರ): Large (ದೊಡ್ಡ)
Sunlight Requirement (ಸೂರ್ಯಪ್ರಕಾಶ ಬೇಕಾಗಿರುವ ಅಗತ್ಯ): Full sun to partial shade (ಮೂಡು ಸೂರ್ಯಕಿರಣ ನಿರೀಕ್ಷಣೆಗಳು ಪೂರ್ತಿ ಬೆಳಕಿಗೆ ಅಥವಾ ಅರೆ ಕತ್ತಲಿಗೆ)
Plant Zone ( ಸಸ್ಯ ವಲಯ): Zones 10-12 ( ಜೋನ್ಗಳು 10-12 )
Biodiversity ( ಜೈವವೈವಿಧ್ಯ):High ( ಜೈವ ವೈವಿಧ್ಯ )
Toxic (ವಿಷಾದಾಯಕ):Non-toxic (ವಿಷಯುಕ್ತವಲ್ಲ )
Fragrant(ಸುವಾಸನಾಯುಕ್ತ):No (ವಾಸನೆ ಇಲ್ಲ )

 16. Gladiolus (ಗ್ಲೇಡಿಯೋಲಸ್)

The gladiolus flower, known for its stunning beauty, symbolises strength and elegance. With its tall, erect stem and vibrant blossoms, it captivates the eye and adds a touch of grace to any garden or floral arrangement.

Available in various colours, the gladiolus stands out as an exquisite and versatile flower. Its sword-shaped leaves and delicate petals create a captivating visual spectacle, making it a favourite among gardeners and flower enthusiasts.

  • Family(ಕುಟುಂಬ ): Iridaceae (Iris family) (ಐರಿಸ್ ಕುಟುಂಬ)
  • Leaves Color ( ಎಲೆಗಳ ಬಣ್ಣ): Green (ಹಸಿರು)
Plant Type ( ಮರ): Herbaceous (ಹೆರ್ಬೇಷಸ್)
Geographical Origin ( ಭೌಗೋಳಿಕ ಮೂಲ):Southern Africa (ದಕ್ಷಿಣ ಆಫ್ರಿಕಾ)
Plant Size (ಸಸ್ಯದ ಗಾತ್ರ): Varies (ಬೆಳೆಯುವ ಗಾತ್ರ)
Sunlight Requirement (ಸೂರ್ಯಪ್ರಕಾಶ ಬೇಕಾಗಿರುವ ಅಗತ್ಯ): Full sun (ಪೂರ್ಣ ಸೂರ್ಯಕಿರಣ)
Plant Zone ( ಸಸ್ಯ ವಲಯ): USDA zones 7-10 (ಯೂಎಸ್ಡಿಎ ಅಂಚೆಗಳು 7-10)
Biodiversity ( ಜೈವವೈವಿಧ್ಯ):Moderate (ಮಧ್ಯಮ)
Toxic (ವಿಷಾದಾಯಕ):Non-toxic (ವಿಷಯೋಕ್ತಿಯಾಗುವುದಿಲ್ಲ)
Fragrant(ಸುವಾಸನಾಯುಕ್ತ):No fragrance (ವಾಸನೆ ಇಲ್ಲ)

 17. Bougainvillea (ಬೂಗೆನ್ವಿಲಿಯಾ)

Bougainvillea is a vibrant and ornamental flowering plant known for its stunning display of colourful bracts. Native to South America, it has gained popularity worldwide for its ability to thrive in warm climates.

With its vigorous growth and abundant blooms, Bougainvillea adds a touch of beauty and charm to gardens, landscapes, and trellises. The plant’s bracts come in shades like pink, purple, red, and orange, creating a visually striking spectacle. Bougainvillea is a beloved choice for adding colour to outdoor spaces.

  • Family(ಕುಟುಂಬ ): Passeridae ( ಪ್ಯಾಸರಿಡೀ)
  • Leaves Color ( ಎಲೆಗಳ ಬಣ್ಣ): Green ( ಹಸಿರು )
Plant Type ( ಮರ): Climber ( ಹತ್ತಿರುಗಡ್ಡ)
Geographical Origin ( ಭೌಗೋಳಿಕ ಮೂಲ):Brazil (ಬ್ರೆಜಿಲ್)
Plant Size (ಸಸ್ಯದ ಗಾತ್ರ): Varies (ವೈವಿಧ್ಯಮಯ )
Sunlight Requirement (ಸೂರ್ಯಪ್ರಕಾಶ ಬೇಕಾಗಿರುವ ಅಗತ್ಯ): Full sun ( ಪೂರ್ಣ ಸೂರ್ಯಕಿರಣ)
Plant Zone ( ಸಸ್ಯ ವಲಯ): 9-11 (೯-೧೧ ವನಸ್ಥಳ )
Biodiversity ( ಜೈವವೈವಿಧ್ಯ):

High (ಪ್ರಾಣಿಜೀವಿಗಳ ವೈವಿಧ್ಯ)

Toxic (ವಿಷಾದಾಯಕ):Non-toxic ( ವಿಷವಿಲ್ಲ)
Fragrant(ಸುವಾಸನಾಯುಕ್ತ):No (ವಾಸನೆ ಇಲ್ಲ )

 18. Asters  (ಅಸ್ಟರ್ಸ್)

Asters are delightful flowers known for their vibrant colours and daisy-like appearance. These charming blooms belong to the Asteraceae family and are native to Europe, Asia, and North America.

With their delicate petals and contrasting centres, asters add a touch of elegance to any garden or floral arrangement. They come in shades of purple, pink, blue, and white. Asters symbolize love, patience, and elegance, making them famous for bouquets and floral displays. Their beauty and versatility make asters a treasured addition to any landscape or floral design.

  • Family(ಕುಟುಂಬ ): Passeridae ( ಪ್ಯಾಸರಿಡೀ)
  • Leaves Color ( ಎಲೆಗಳ ಬಣ್ಣ): Green (ಹಸಿರು )
Plant Type ( ಮರ): Climber ( ಹತ್ತಿರುಗಡ್ಡ)
Geographical Origin ( ಭೌಗೋಳಿಕ ಮೂಲ):Brazil ( ಬ್ರೆಜಿಲ್ )
Plant Size (ಸಸ್ಯದ ಗಾತ್ರ): Varies (ವೈವಿಧ್ಯಮಯ)
Sunlight Requirement (ಸೂರ್ಯಪ್ರಕಾಶ ಬೇಕಾಗಿರುವ ಅಗತ್ಯ): Full sun (ಪೂರ್ಣ ಸೂರ್ಯಕಿರಣ )
Plant Zone ( ಸಸ್ಯ ವಲಯ): 9-11 ( ೯-೧೧ ವನಸ್ಥಳ)
Biodiversity ( ಜೈವವೈವಿಧ್ಯ):

High ( ಪ್ರಾಣಿಜೀವಿಗಳ ವೈವಿಧ್ಯ)

Toxic (ವಿಷಾದಾಯಕ):Non-toxic (ವಿಷವಿಲ್ಲ )
Fragrant(ಸುವಾಸನಾಯುಕ್ತ):No ( ವಾಸನೆ ಇಲ್ಲ )

 19. Petunias (ಪೆಟ್ಯೂನಿಯಾಸ್)

Petunias are beloved flowers renowned for their vibrant hues and delicate petals. These charming blooms belong to the Solanaceae family and are native to South America. Petunias come in various colours, including pink, purple, red, white, and bi-colour variations.

They are versatile and can be grown in gardens, containers, or hanging baskets, adding a burst of colour to any space. With their lovely fragrance and long blooming season, petunias are popular for adding beauty and charm to landscapes and floral displays.

  • Family(ಕುಟುಂಬ ): Solanaceae (Nightshade family)(ಆಕ್ರೋಟ್‌ರಾಂಟೆಸ್ ಕುಲ)
  • Leaves Color ( ಎಲೆಗಳ ಬಣ್ಣ): Green (ಹಸಿರು)
Plant Type ( ಮರ): Perennial( ವಿರಾಳು ಹೂವುಗಳು)
Geographical Origin ( ಭೌಗೋಳಿಕ ಮೂಲ):South America( ದಕ್ಷಿಣ ಅಮೆರಿಕಾ)
Plant Size (ಸಸ್ಯದ ಗಾತ್ರ): Varies( ಬದಲಾಗುತ್ತದೆ)
Sunlight Requirement (ಸೂರ್ಯಪ್ರಕಾಶ ಬೇಕಾಗಿರುವ ಅಗತ್ಯ): Full Sun (ಪೂರ್ಣ ಸೂರ್ಯನ ಬೆಳಕು)
Plant Zone ( ಸಸ್ಯ ವಲಯ): Varies (ಬದಲಾಗುತ್ತದೆ)
Biodiversity ( ಜೈವವೈವಿಧ್ಯ):High (ಅತ್ಯಂತ ವಿವಿಧತೆ)
Toxic (ವಿಷಾದಾಯಕ):Non-toxic (ವಿಷಾರದ)
Fragrant(ಸುವಾಸನಾಯುಕ್ತ):Yes (ಸುವಾಸನಾಯುಕ್ತ)

20. Bluebells (ನೀಲಕಂಠ)

Bluebells, or Hyacinthoides non-scripta, are gorgeous spring flowers that grace woodlands with their vibrant blue hues. Native to Western Europe, these delicate beauties form carpets of colour beneath canopies of trees, creating a magical sight.

With their slender stems and bell-shaped blossoms, bluebells evoke a sense of tranquillity and nostalgia. Their sweet fragrance and gentle sway in the breeze captivate the senses, making them a beloved symbol of springtime and a cherished sight for nature enthusiasts and flower lovers alike.

  • Family(ಕುಟುಂಬ ): Asparagaceae (Liliaceae) (ಅಸ್ಪರೇಗೆಸಿ)
  • Leaves Color ( ಎಲೆಗಳ ಬಣ್ಣ): Green (ಹಸಿರು)
Plant Type ( ಮರ): Perennial (ಸತತ)
Geographical Origin ( ಭೌಗೋಳಿಕ ಮೂಲ):Europe (ಐರೋಪ)
Plant Size (ಸಸ್ಯದ ಗಾತ್ರ): Small to medium (ಚಿಕ್ಕ ಮತ್ತು ಮಧ್ಯಮ)
Sunlight Requirement (ಸೂರ್ಯಪ್ರಕಾಶ ಬೇಕಾಗಿರುವ ಅಗತ್ಯ): Partial shade (ಆಂಶಿಕ ಛಾಯಾಗೆ)
Plant Zone ( ಸಸ್ಯ ವಲಯ): 3-8 (ನಿಲ್ದಾಣ)
Biodiversity ( ಜೈವವೈವಿಧ್ಯ):High (ಜೈವವಿವಿಧ್ದ)
Toxic (ವಿಷಾದಾಯಕ):No (ವಿಷಯುಕ್ತವಲ್ಲ)
Fragrant(ಸುವಾಸನಾಯುಕ್ತ):Yes (ಸುಗಂಧಿ)

21. Orchids (ಉಡುಗೆಕಂಬ)

Orchids, with their captivating beauty and enchanting fragrance, are a remarkable family of flowering plants. Known for their diverse colours, shapes, and patterns, orchids are celebrated worldwide for their elegance and exotic allure.

These delicate blooms in various habitats, from tropical rainforests to arid deserts, showcasing their adaptability and resilience. With a rich cultural significance and a history dating back centuries, orchids continue to mesmerize enthusiasts and symbolize love, luxury, and refinement.

  • Family(ಕುಟುಂಬ ): Orchidaceae (ವನಕೃಷ್ಣಕಂಬಳಿ ಕುಲ)
  • Leaves Color ( ಎಲೆಗಳ ಬಣ್ಣ): Green ( ಹಸಿರು)
Plant Type ( ಮರ):  Perennial (ಸನಾತನ )
Geographical Origin ( ಭೌಗೋಳಿಕ ಮೂಲ): Various ( ವಿವಿಧ)
Plant Size (ಸಸ್ಯದ ಗಾತ್ರ):  Varies (ಬೇರೆಬೇರೆ)
Sunlight Requirement (ಸೂರ್ಯಪ್ರಕಾಶ ಬೇಕಾಗಿರುವ ಅಗತ್ಯ):  Bright, indirect light ( ಉಜ್ವಲ, ಪ್ರತ್ಯಕ್ಷ ಬೆಳಕು)
Plant Zone ( ಸಸ್ಯ ವಲಯ):  Varies ( ಬೇರೆಬೇರೆ)
Biodiversity ( ಜೈವವೈವಿಧ್ಯ): Rich (ಹೃದಯವನ್ನು ನೆಮ್ಮದಿಗೊಳಿಸುವುದು)
Toxic (ವಿಷಾದಾಯಕ): Non-toxic ( ವಿಷಪ್ರದವಲ್ಲ)
Fragrant(ಸುವಾಸನಾಯುಕ್ತ): Yes (ಸುವಾಸನಾಯುಕ್ತ)

22. Lilies (ಲಿಲಿಗಳು)

Lilies, exquisite and graceful flowers, captivate with their elegant charm. With their vibrant colours and delightful fragrance, lilies bring beauty and joy to any setting. These perennial blooms, belonging to the genus Lilium, symbolize purity, innocence, and devotion. Their enchanting presence makes them popular choices for bouquets and gardens alike.

With a diverse range of species and varieties, lilies offer a kaleidoscope of hues and forms, ensuring a perfect lily for every occasion. Explore the enchantment of lilies and immerse yourself in their timeless allure.

  • Family(ಕುಟುಂಬ ): Liliaceae (ಕಂಬೆ ಕುಲ)
  • Leaves Color ( ಎಲೆಗಳ ಬಣ್ಣ): Green (ಹಸಿರು)
Plant Type ( ಮರ):  Perennial (ವಾರ್ಷಿಕ)
Geographical Origin ( ಭೌಗೋಳಿಕ ಮೂಲ): Asia, Europe, North America (ಆಶಿಯಾ, ಯೂರೋಪ್, ಉತ್ತರ ಅಮೆರಿಕ)
Plant Size (ಸಸ್ಯದ ಗಾತ್ರ):  Varies, can grow up to 6 feet (ಬೇರುತ್ತದೆ, 6 ಅಡಿ ಹೆಚ್ಚಿನ ವರೆಗೆ ಬೆಳೆಯಬಹುದು)
Sunlight Requirement (ಸೂರ್ಯಪ್ರಕಾಶ ಬೇಕಾಗಿರುವ ಅಗತ್ಯ):  Full sun to partial shade (ಪೂರ್ಣ ಸೂರ್ಯಕಿರಣ ತರಗತಿಗೆ ಭಾಗಿಯಾಗಬೇಕು)
Plant Zone ( ಸಸ್ಯ ವಲಯ):  Varies depending on the species, generally zones 3-10 (ಜನರಲ್ಲಿ ಬೇರೆ ಬೇರೆ ಪ್ರಜಾತಿಗಳ ಪ್ರಕೃತಿಗೆ ಬೇರೆ ಬೇರೆ ಮಾತ್ರದಲ್ಲಿ ಇರುತ್ತದೆ, ಸಾಮಾನ್ಯವಾಗಿ ಜೋನ್‌ಗಳು 3-10)
Biodiversity ( ಜೈವವೈವಿಧ್ಯ): Rich (ಸಂಪತ್ತಿಗೆ ಸಂಪನ್ನ)
Toxic (ವಿಷಾದಾಯಕ): Some species are toxic to cats (ಕೆಲವು ಪ್ರಜಾತಿಗಳು ಬೆಕ್ಕುಗಳಿಗೆ ವಿಷಾದಾಯಕ)
Fragrant(ಸುವಾಸನಾಯುಕ್ತ): Yes (ಪ್ರಸನ್ನ)

23. Begonia (ಬೆಗೋನಿಯ)

Begonia flowers are known for their exquisite beauty, grace gardens and indoor spaces with vibrant colours and unique shapes. With over 1,800 species, Begonias offer diverse blooms, from delicate petals to striking clusters.

These tender perennials thrive in tropical and subtropical regions, captivating admirers with their lush foliage and stunning flowers. Begonias are cherished for their versatility, adding elegance to landscapes and floral arrangements. Their allure lies in their ability to effortlessly blend charm and sophistication, making them a beloved choice among garden enthusiasts worldwide.

  • Family(ಕುಟುಂಬ ): Begoniaceae (ಬೆಗೋನಿಯೇಸಿ)
  • Leaves Color ( ಎಲೆಗಳ ಬಣ್ಣ): Varied (ಬೆಳ್ಳಿಬಣ್ಣದ)
Plant Type ( ಮರ): Flowering plant ( ಹೂವು ಬೆಳೆಯುವ ಸಸ್ಯ)
Geographical Origin ( ಭೌಗೋಳಿಕ ಮೂಲ):Tropical regions ( ಉಷ್ಣದೇಶಗಳು)
Plant Size (ಸಸ್ಯದ ಗಾತ್ರ): Varies ( ವೈವಿಧ್ಯಪೂರ್ಣ)
Sunlight Requirement (ಸೂರ್ಯಪ್ರಕಾಶ ಬೇಕಾಗಿರುವ ಅಗತ್ಯ): Partial shade ( ಆರ್ದ್ರತಾ ಬೇಕು)
Plant Zone ( ಸಸ್ಯ ವಲಯ): Varies (ವೈವಿಧ್ಯಪೂರ್ಣ)
Biodiversity ( ಜೈವವೈವಿಧ್ಯ):High ( ಬಹುಮುಖಿ)
Toxic (ವಿಷಾದಾಯಕ):Some species can be toxic to pets if ingested (ಕೆಲವು ಜಾತಿಗಳು ಪಾಲುಪಡೆಯಲು ಆಕರ್ಷಿಸುವುವು)
Fragrant(ಸುವಾಸನಾಯುಕ್ತ):Some species have a mild fragrance (ಕೆಲವು ಜಾತಿಗಳು ಮೃದು ಗಂಧವುಳ್ಳವು)

24. Geraniums (ಜೆರ್ಯೊನಿಯಂಗಳು)

Geraniums, beloved for their vibrant blooms and distinctive fragrance, are popular flowering plants that bring beauty to gardens and indoor spaces alike. With their diverse colours and lush foliage, geraniums add a touch of elegance and charm to any setting.

These hardy plants are known for their resilience and adaptability, thriving in various climates and soil conditions. Whether used as bedding plants, container plants, or hanging baskets, geraniums are a delightful choice for plant enthusiasts seeking beauty and versatility in their floral displays.

  • Family(ಕುಟುಂಬ ): Geraniaceae (ಜರೇನಿಯೆಸಿಯೆ)
  • Leaves Color ( ಎಲೆಗಳ ಬಣ್ಣ): Green (ಹಸಿರು)
Plant Type ( ಮರ): Perennial(ವಾರ್ಷಿಕ )
Geographical Origin ( ಭೌಗೋಳಿಕ ಮೂಲ):South Africa( ದಕ್ಷಿಣ ಆಫ್ರಿಕಾ) 
Plant Size (ಸಸ್ಯದ ಗಾತ್ರ): Small to medium-sized (ಸಣ್ಣ ಮತ್ತು ಮಧ್ಯಮ ಗಾತ್ರದ )
Sunlight Requirement (ಸೂರ್ಯಪ್ರಕಾಶ ಬೇಕಾಗಿರುವ ಅಗತ್ಯ): Full to partial sun (ಪೂರ್ಣ ಹಾಗೂ ಪಾರ್ಶ್ವ ಸೂರ್ಯಕಿರಣ ಅಗತ್ಯ )
Plant Zone ( ಸಸ್ಯ ವಲಯ): Varies depending on the species, (ಜನಾಂಗ ಪ್ರಕಾರಕ್ಕೆ ಬದಲಾಯಿಸುತ್ತದೆ )
Biodiversity ( ಜೈವವೈವಿಧ್ಯ):Geraniums are available in a wide variety of species and cultivars, offering diverse colors, growth habits, and flower forms. (ಜನರಲಿಯಂಗಗಳು ಬಣ್ಣಗಳಲ್ಲಿ, ಬೆಳೆವ ಆಚರಣೆಗಳಲ್ಲಿ ಮತ್ತು ಹೂಗಳ ಆಕಾರಗಳಲ್ಲಿ ವಿವಿಧತೆ ಹೊಂದಿದೆ )
Toxic (ವಿಷಾದಾಯಕ):Non-toxic( ವಿಷಪ್ರದ: ವಿಷವೇನಿಲ್ಲ)
Fragrant(ಸುವಾಸನಾಯುಕ್ತ):Some geranium varieties have a pleasant fragrance. (ಕೆಲವು ಜನರಲಿಯಂಗ ಜಾತಿಗಳು ಮಧುರ ಪರಿಮಳವನ್ನು ಹೊಂದಿವೆ) 

25. Morning Glory (ಹುಡುಗನಿದ್ದ ತುಂಡು)

Morning Glory, a beautiful flowering vine, enchants with its vibrant colours and delicate blooms. As the sun rises, its trumpet-shaped flowers unfurl, creating a spectacle of beauty. With a botanical name of Ipomoea, morning glory is known for its fast growth and ability to climb fences, trellises, and walls.

It symbolises renewal and new beginnings, evoking a sense of tranquillity and optimism. Morning glory is a treasured addition to any garden or landscape, from its heartwarming appearance to its enchanting presence.

  • Family(ಕುಟುಂಬ ): Convolvulaceae (ಕನ್ನಡ: ಬೆಳದ ಕುಡಿಗೆ ಸಂತಾನ)
  • Leaves Color ( ಎಲೆಗಳ ಬಣ್ಣ): Green (ಕನ್ನಡ: ಹಸಿರು)
Plant Type ( ಮರ):Flowering vine (ಕನ್ನಡ: ಹೂವಿನ ಬೆಳೆ)
Geographical Origin ( ಭೌಗೋಳಿಕ ಮೂಲ):Tropical regions of the Americas (ಕನ್ನಡ: ಅಮೆರಿಕಾದ ಉಷ್ಣದ ಪ್ರದೇಶಗಳು)
Plant Size (ಸಸ್ಯದ ಗಾತ್ರ):Varies depending on the species, ranging from small to medium-sized (ಕನ್ನಡ: ಪ್ರಜಾತಿಗಳನ್ನು ಆಧರಿಸಿದ ವೈವಿಧ್ಯಮಯ ಪ್ರದೇಶಗಳು, ಸಣ್ಣ ವರ್ಗದಿಂದ ಮಧ್ಯಮ ವರೆಗೂ ವ್ಯತ್ಯಾಸವಾಗುತ್ತದೆ)
Sunlight Requirement (ಸೂರ್ಯಪ್ರಕಾಶ ಬೇಕಾಗಿರುವ ಅಗತ್ಯ):Full sun (ಕನ್ನಡ: ಪೂರ್ಣ ಸೂರ್ಯನ್ನು ಅಗಲವು)
Plant Zone ( ಸಸ್ಯ ವಲಯ):Varies depending on the species, typically zones 3 to 10 (ಕನ್ನಡ: ಪ್ರಜಾತಿಗಳನ್ನು ಆಧರಿಸಿದ ವೈವಿಧ್ಯಮಯ ಪ್ರದೇಶಗಳು, ಸಾಮಾನ್ಯವಾಗಿ ಪ್ರದೇಶಗಳು 3 ರಿಂದ 10 ವರೆಗೆ)
Biodiversity ( ಜೈವವೈವಿಧ್ಯ):High (ಕನ್ನಡ: ಉಚ್ಚ ಜೈವ ವೈವಿಧ್ಯ)
Toxic (ವಿಷಾದಾಯಕ):Some species may be mildly toxic if ingested (ಕನ್ನಡ: ಕೆಲವು ಪ್ರಜಾತಿಗಳು ನೆನ್ನೆ ಅನುವಾದಿಸಲ್ಪಡಬಹುದು)
Fragrant(ಸುವಾಸನಾಯುಕ್ತ):Some species have a fragrant scent (ಕನ್ನಡ: ಕೆಲವು ಪ್ರಜಾತಿಗಳು ಒಳ್ಳೆಯ ಗಂಧವನ್ನು ಹೊಂದಿರುತ್ತವೆ)

26. Cosmos (ಕೊಸ್ಮೋಸ್)

Cosmos, a vibrant and enchanting flower, captivates with its radiant beauty. Native to Mexico and other parts of Central America, Cosmos is known for its delicate petals that come in a variety of hues, including pink, white, and orange.

This versatile plant thrives in full sun and well-drained soil, making it a popular choice for gardens and landscapes. With its graceful presence and abundant blooms, Cosmos adds a touch of elegance and charm to any floral display.

  • Family(ಕುಟುಂಬ ): Asteraceae ( ಗೂಡುಗಿಡ ಕುಲ)
  • Leaves Color ( ಎಲೆಗಳ ಬಣ್ಣ): Green ( ಹಸಿರು)
Plant Type ( ಮರ):Annual (ವಾರ್ಷಿಕ)
Geographical Origin ( ಭೌಗೋಳಿಕ ಮೂಲ):North America ( ಉತ್ತರ ಅಮೇರಿಕ)
Plant Size (ಸಸ್ಯದ ಗಾತ್ರ):Medium (ಮಧ್ಯಮ)
Sunlight Requirement (ಸೂರ್ಯಪ್ರಕಾಶ ಬೇಕಾಗಿರುವ ಅಗತ್ಯ):Full sun  ಪೂರ್ಣ ಸೂರ್ಯೋದಯ)
Plant Zone ( ಸಸ್ಯ ವಲಯ):3-10 ( ಸಸ್ಯ ಕ್ಷೇತ್ರ: 3-10)
Biodiversity ( ಜೈವವೈವಿಧ್ಯ):High (: ಜೈವ ವೈವಿಧ್ಯ)
Toxic (ವಿಷಾದಾಯಕ):No (ವಿಷಯೊಂದೂ ಇಲ್ಲ)
Fragrant(ಸುವಾಸನಾಯುಕ್ತ):No ( ಸುವಾಸನೆಯೊಂದೂ ಇಲ್ಲ)

27. Queen Anne’s Lace (ಕ್ವೀನ್ ಅನ್ನ್ ಹೂದು) 

Queen Anne’s Lace, or Wild Carrot, is a delicate and enchanting flowering plant. Its lacy, white umbel-shaped flowers and fern-like foliage add a touch of elegance to any landscape.

Native to Europe and naturalized in North America, this biennial plant thrives in sunny fields, meadows, and roadsides. Its slender stems can reach impressive heights, and its distinctive carrot-like roots are edible. Queen Anne’s Lace is visually captivating and a valuable source of nectar for pollinators, making it a delightful addition to any garden or wild setting.

  • Family(ಕುಟುಂಬ ): Apiaceae (ಕಾಯಿ ಸಾಸಿವೆ ಕುಟುಂಬ)
  • Leaves Color ( ಎಲೆಗಳ ಬಣ್ಣ): Green ( ಹಸಿರು)
Plant Type ( ಮರ): Perennial herb ( ಸಸ್ಯ)
Geographical Origin ( ಭೌಗೋಳಿಕ ಮೂಲ):Europe and Asia ( ಯೂರೋಪ್ ಮತ್ತು ಏಷ್ಯಾ )
Plant Size (ಸಸ್ಯದ ಗಾತ್ರ): 1-4 feet ( ೧-೪ ಅಡಿ )
Sunlight Requirement (ಸೂರ್ಯಪ್ರಕಾಶ ಬೇಕಾಗಿರುವ ಅಗತ್ಯ): Full sun to partial shade(ಪೂರ್ಣ ಸೂರ್ಯಕಿರಣಕ್ಕೆ ಹೂಡುವುದು ಹೆಚ್ಚಾಗಿ ಪಾರ್ಶ್ವ ನೆರಳಿನಲ್ಲಿರುವುದು )
Plant Zone ( ಸಸ್ಯ ವಲಯ): 3-9 ( ೩-೯ ಪ್ರಾಂತ )
Biodiversity ( ಜೈವವೈವಿಧ್ಯ):High ( ಉಚ್ಚ ಜೈವವಿವಿಧತೆ)
Toxic (ವಿಷಾದಾಯಕ):No (ವಿಷಪ್ರದವಲ್ಲ )
Fragrant(ಸುವಾಸನಾಯುಕ್ತ):Yes (ಸುವಾಸನಾಯುಕ್ತ )

28. Snapdragons (ಸ್ನ್ಯಾಪ್ ಡ್ರ್ಯಾಗನ್ಸ್)

Snapdragons, or Antirrhinum, are stunning flowers with unique shapes and vibrant colours. These charming blooms feature tall stalks adorned with clusters of delicate petals that resemble dragon’s jaws.

With a wide range of hues, from soft pastels to bold and vivid tones, snapdragons add a whimsy elegance to any garden or floral arrangement. Their intriguing appearance and long-lasting blooms make them a favourite choice for garden enthusiasts and florists.

  • Family(ಕುಟುಂಬ ): Plantaginaceae ಕುಟುಂಬ: ಪ್ಲಾಂಟಾಗಿನೇಸಿಯೇ
  • Leaves Color (ಎಲೆಗಳ ಬಣ್ಣ): Green ಎಲೆಗಳ ಬಣ್ಣ: ಹಸಿರು
Plant Type ( ಮರ):Perennial( ಮೊಟ್ಟೆ ಪ್ರಕಾರ: ವರ್ಷಪಾತಿ)
Geographical Origin ( ಭೌಗೋಳಿಕ ಮೂಲ):Mediterranean region (ಭೌಗೋಳಿಕ ಮೂಲ: ಮಧ್ಯಮ ಸಮುದ್ರತಟ ಪ್ರದೇಶ)
Plant size (ಸಸ್ಯದ ಗಾತ್ರ):Varies depending on species, typically 1-3 feet tall (ಮೊಟ್ಟೆ ಗಾತ್ರ: ಜಾತಿಗಳ ಆಧಾರದ ಮೇರೆಗೆ ಬೇರೆಬೇರೆಯಾಗಿದೆ, ಸಾಮಾನ್ಯವಾಗಿ 1-3 ಅಡಿ ಎತ್ತರವಿದೆ)
Sunlight Requirement (ಸೂರ್ಯಪ್ರಕಾಶ ಬೇಕಾಗಿರುವ ಅಗತ್ಯ):Full sun to partial shade (ಸೂರ್ಯಪ್ರಕಾಶ ಆವಶ್ಯಕತೆ: ಪೂರ್ಣ ಸೂರ್ಯಪ್ರಕಾಶದಿಂದ ಅಂಶಪ್ರಕಾಶದ ತನಕ)
Plant Zone ( ಸಸ್ಯ ವಲಯ):Varies depending on species, generally zones 5-10 (ಮೊಟ್ಟೆ ವಿಭಾಗ: ಜಾತಿಗಳ ಆಧಾರದ ಮೇರೆಗೆ ಬೇರೆಬೇರೆಯಾಗಿದೆ, ಸಾಮಾನ್ಯವಾಗಿ ವಿಭಾಗಗಳು 5 ರಿಂದ 10 ರವರೆಗೆ ಇರುತ್ತವೆ)
Biodiversity ( ಜೈವವೈವಿಧ್ಯ):Numerous cultivars and varieties available (ಜೈವಿವಿಧತೆ: ಅನೇಕ ಬೆಳೆಗಳು ಮತ್ತು ರೂಪಗಳು ಲಭ್ಯವಿದೆ)
toxic (ವಿಷಾದಾಯಕ):Non-toxic( ವಿಷಪ್ರದ: ವಿಷವೇನಿಲ್ಲ)
Fragrant(ಸುವಾಸನಾಯುಕ್ತ):Some varieties have a pleasant fragrance( ಸುವಾಸನೆ: ಕೆಲವು ವಿಧಗಳಲ್ಲಿ ಒಳ್ಳೆಯ ಸುವಾಸನೆ ಇದೆ)

29. Lavender (ಲ್ಯಾವೆಂಡರ್)

Lavender, a beloved herb with a captivating aroma, is renowned for its beauty and versatility. With its delicate purple flowers and silvery-green leaves, lavender adds a touch of elegance to gardens and landscapes. 

Known for its soothing properties, this aromatic plant has been used for centuries in aromatherapy and herbal remedies. From fragrant oils to calming teas, lavender offers a multitude of uses, captivating both the senses and the heart.

  • Family(ಕುಟುಂಬ ): Lamiaceae (ಕಿರುನೇರಳೆ ಕುಲ)
  • Leaves Color (ಎಲೆಗಳ ಬಣ್ಣ): Grayish-green (ಬೂದಿಯ)
Plant Type ( ಮರ):Perennial ( ಸಮಸ್ಥಿರ)
Geographical Origin ( ಭೌಗೋಳಿಕ ಮೂಲ):Mediterranean region (ಮೆಡಿಟೆರೇನಿಯನ್ ಪ್ರದೇಶ )
Plant size (ಸಸ್ಯದ ಗಾತ್ರ):Medium (ಮಧ್ಯಮ )
Sunlight Requirement (ಸೂರ್ಯಪ್ರಕಾಶ ಬೇಕಾಗಿರುವ ಅಗತ್ಯ):Full Sun (ಮೂರು ಬೆಳಕು )
Plant Zone ( ಸಸ್ಯ ವಲಯ):5-9 (5-9 ಗಾಳಿ ಪ್ರದೇಶ
Biodiversity ( ಜೈವವೈವಿಧ್ಯ):Rich ( ಸಜ್ಜೀವ ವಿವಿಧತೆ)
toxic (ವಿಷಾದಾಯಕ):Non-toxic (ವಿಷಾರದಾಯಕ ಅಲ್ಲ)
Fragrant(ಸುವಾಸನಾಯುಕ್ತ):Yes (ಸುಗಂಧ)

30. Foxglove (ಫಾಕ್ಸ್ ಗ್ಲೋ)

Foxglove, scientifically known as Digitalis purpurea, is an enchanting and striking flowering plant with tall spires of bell-shaped blooms. Native to Europe and widely cultivated around the world, foxglove showcases a range of vibrant colours, from soft pinks to deep purples.

Its beauty, however, is accompanied by a cautionary note, as the plant contains cardiac glycosides, making it highly toxic if ingested. Despite its toxicity, foxglove remains an alluring presence in gardens, enticing both the eyes and the imagination.

  • Family(ಕುಟುಂಬ ): Plantaginaceae / ಹೆಚ್ಚುಮುಳ್ಳಿ ಕುಲ
  • Leaves Color (ಎಲೆಗಳ ಬಣ್ಣ): Green / ಹಸಿರು
Plant Type ( ಮರ):Perennial herb / ಸಲ್ಲಿಗೆಗಾಗಿದೆ
Geographical Origin ( ಭೌಗೋಳಿಕ ಮೂಲ):Europe and Western Asia / ಐರೋಪ್ ಮತ್ತು ಪಶ್ಚಿಮ ಆಶಿಯಾ Plant Size: 2-5 feet tall / 2-5 ಅಡಿ ಎತ್ತರವುಳ್ಳ
Plant size (ಸಸ್ಯದ ಗಾತ್ರ):2-5 feet tall / 2-5 ಅಡಿ ಎತ್ತರವುಳ್ಳ
Sunlight Requirement (ಸೂರ್ಯಪ್ರಕಾಶ ಬೇಕಾಗಿರುವ ಅಗತ್ಯ):Partial shade to full sun / ಆರ್ಧಿಕ ಛಾಯಾಗ್ರಸ್ತತೆ ಇಲ್ಲದೆ ಪೂರ್ಣ ಸೂರ್ಯಪ್ರಕಾಶ
Plant Zone ( ಸಸ್ಯ ವಲಯ):USDA zones 4-8 / USDA ವಲಯಗಳು 4-8
Biodiversity ( ಜೈವವೈವಿಧ್ಯ):Rich in pollinator diversity / ಪೂರಕ ಜೀವಿಗಳ ವೈವಿಧ್ಯತೆಯಲ್ಲಿ ಉಳ್ಳ
toxic (ವಿಷಾದಾಯಕ):Highly toxic if ingested / ನೆನೆಸಿದರೆ ಅತ್ಯುತ್ತಮವಾಗಿ ವಿಷಾದಾಯಕ
Fragrant(ಸುವಾಸನಾಯುಕ್ತ):Fragrant flowers / ಸುಗಂಧದಾಯಕ ಹೂಗಳು


In conclusion, learning the names of flowers in Kannada is a great way to explore the language and understand the culture of South India. With this list of 30 flowers and their names in Kannada, you can quickly identify them in gardens, parks, and markets.

Not only do flowers bring beauty and colour to our surroundings, but they also have significant meanings held in different cultures. In India, flowers play an important role in religious and social customs, such as garlands for welcoming guests or offering them to deities during worship.

Moreover, knowing different flowers can help you make informed decisions regarding gardening and landscaping. You can choose the right plants for your region and create a beautiful outdoor space with various colours and fragrances.


What Are Some Common Flowers In Kannada?

Some common flowers in Kannada include Jaji Mallige (Jasmine), Kanakambara (Golden Shower), Sevanthige (Chrysanthemum), Chendu Hoovu (Hibiscus), Garike (Sunflower), Devare Hoovu (Temple Tree), Kempu Hoovu (Red Flower), and Mallige (Mogra).

Who Is The King Of Flowers In Kannada?

The king of flowers in Kannada is called “Kempu Mallige” which translates to “Red Jasmine” in English. It is a very popular flower in Karnataka, India and is known for its beautiful fragrance and vibrant red color.

Who Is The Queen Of Flowers In Kannada?

The queen of flowers in Kannada is called “Devi Mallige” which translates to “Temple Jasmine” or “Mysore Jasmine” in English. It is a highly fragrant flower and is commonly used in religious and cultural ceremonies in Karnataka and other parts of South India. It is also the state flower of Karnataka.

Which Flower Is Rare In Kannada?

There is no flower that is specifically rare in Kannada as Kannada is a language and not a flower. However, there may be rare or endangered flower species found in the state of Karnataka, where Kannada is the official language.

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