25 Flowers Name In Marathi (25 फुलांचे नाव)

25 Flowers Name In Marathi (25 फुलांचे नाव)

By Vidita Vaidya

Flowers are nature’s gift to mankind, bringing joy and happiness to our lives. Each flower has its unique beauty and fragrance, and its names reflect the diversity of language and culture. If you love flowers or want to learn more about them, you might be interested in this blog post. In this article, we have compiled a list of 25 flowers name in Marathi, a language spoken in the Indian state of Maharashtra.

Marathi is a dynamic language that has its own unique words for flowers. In this post, we have included some popular flowers like the Rose (गुलाब), Jasmine (मोगरा), and Lotus (कमळ), as well as lesser-known ones like the Kadamb (कदंब) and Ratrani (रत्राणी). We have provided each flower’s Marathi name, English translation, and a brief description of its characteristics and significance.

If you want to explore more about flowers, we also have an article on flower names in Hindi and English with images. In that post, we have covered over 150 flower names, including popular and rare ones, and their images and meanings. So, whether you are a language enthusiast or a nature lover, we hope you find these articles informative and enjoyable.

Importance Of Flower

Flowers are important for many reasons. They look pretty and smell good, which makes us feel happy and relaxed. We give flowers to show our love and appreciation for someone or apologise for mistakes. Flowers are also important for nature. They help plants make new seeds by attracting bees and other insects to come and pollinate them. This helps the plants grow and produce more flowers and fruits.

Some flowers can also help us feel better when we are sick. People have used flowers for medicine for a long time because they have special powers that can help our bodies heal. Flowers are a part of our culture too. We use them to decorate our homes, schools, and places of worship. We also have special celebrations like weddings and birthdays where we use flowers to make them more beautiful. 

So, flowers are not just pretty things to look at. They are important and play a big role in improving our world.

25 Flowers Name In Marathi (25 फुलांचे नाव)

No. Flowers English Marathi
Indian Lotus कमळ (Kamal)
2 Gulmohar  गुलमोहर (Gulmohar)
3 Indian Coral Tree पारिजात (Parijat)
4 Flame Lily कुंद (Kund)
5 Hibiscus

जास्वंद (Jaswand)


Marigold गेंदा (Genda)
7 Bougainvillea बोगनविलिया (Boghanviliya)
8 Frangipani चम्पा (Champa)
9 Chrysanthemum शेवंती (Shevanti)
10 Jasmine मोगरा (Mogara)
11 Rose गुलाब (Gulab)
12 Sunflower सूर्यमुखी (Surymukhi)
13 Morning Glory काळे वेल (Kalewel)
14 Zinnia झिनिया (Jhiniya)
15 Cosmos कॉस्मॉस (Cosmos)
16 Datura धतूरा (Dhatura)
17 Night-blooming Cereus

रात्रचाया केरियस (Ratrachaya Cereus)

18 China Rose चायनीज रोज (Chinij Rose)
19 Queen of the Night रात्रीच्या राणी (Ratrachya Rani)
20 Parijat पारिजात (Parijat)
21 Indian Blanket भारतीय ब्लँकेट (Bhartiya Blanket)
22 Flame of the Forest पाळवणा (Palavna)
23 Balsam गुलाबी बालसम (Gulabi Balsam)
24 Globe Amaranth वडाच्या फुलाचे झाड (Vadachya Fulache Jhad)
25 Wild Himalayan Cherry हिमालयी चेरी (Himalayi Cherry)


Flowers Detailed Information (फुलांची तपशीलवार माहिती)

Flowers are one of the most beautiful and fascinating creations of nature. They come in a wide range of shapes, sizes, and colors, each with unique beauty and significance. If you are curious about flowers and want to learn more about them, you might be interested in this article.

This post provides detailed information about different types of flowers, including their scientific name, common names, origins, habitats, blooming seasons, and interesting facts. We also cover flowers’ symbolism and cultural significance in various societies and religions.

Whether you are a botanist, a gardener, or just a flower enthusiast, this article will help you deepen your knowledge and appreciation of these wonderful creations of nature. And if you want to learn more about flower names in Hindi and English, we already have an article you can check out.

1. Indian Lotus

Indian Lotus, also known as Kamal in Hindi and Kamalaa in Sanskrit, is a beautiful aquatic plant revered in Indian culture. It has large round leaves and striking pink or white flowers that bloom in the morning and close at night. Indian Lotus is not only prized for its beauty but also for its cultural and religious significance. It is often used as a decorative element in weddings and other ceremonies and symbolises purity, enlightenment, and spiritual growth. The plant is also used for medicinal purposes, and its seeds are a popular food item in many parts of India.

  • Family (कुटुंब:) : Nelumbonaceae
  • Leaves Color (पानांचा रंग): Green (हिरवा)
Plant Type (वनस्पती प्रकार):  Aquatic (जलचर)
Geographical Origin (भौगोलिक मूल):  India and Southeast Asia (भारत आणि दक्षिणपूर्व एशिया)
Plant Size (पौधे का आकार):  Large (मोठा)
Sunlight Requirement (सूर्य किरणांची आवश्यकता):  Full Sun (पूर्ण सूर्य)
Plant Zone (प्लांट जोन): 4-11
Biodiversity (विविधता): High (उच्च)
Food Item:(खाद्य वस्तू): Seeds are used in cuisine. ( बीज रस्त्यात वापरले जातात)
Toxic  (विषाक्त): No (नाही)
Fragrant (खुशबूदार):  Yes (होय)

2. Gulmohar 

The Gulmohar flower, also known as the flame tree or royal poinciana, is a stunning tropical tree native to Madagascar. Its vivid red, orange, and yellow flowers bloom in the summer months and can brighten up any landscape. The tree itself can grow up to 30 meters tall with a broad, spreading canopy of fern-like leaves. In addition to its beauty, the Gulmohar tree is also prized for its use in traditional medicine to treat various ailments. Overall, the Gulmohar is a beautiful and versatile tree that adds a touch of tropical elegance to any environment

  • Family (कुटुंब:) : Fabaceae (फैबेसी)
  • Leaves Color (पानांचा रंग): Green (हिरवा)

Plant Type (वनस्पती प्रकार): 

Ornamental Tree (ऑर्नेमेंटल झाड)

Geographical Origin (भौगोलिक मूल): 

Madagascar (मॅडागास्कर)

Plant Size (पौधे का आकार): 

Large (मोठा)

Sunlight Requirement (सूर्य किरणांची आवश्यकता): 

Full Sun (पूर्ण सूर्य)

Plant Zone (प्लांट जोन):


Biodiversity (विविधता):

Moderate (मध्यम)

Food Item:(खाद्य वस्तू):

No (नाही)

Toxic  (विषाक्त):

No (नाही)

Fragrant (खुशबूदार): 

Mildly (थोडंसा)

3. Hibiscus 

Hibiscus is a vibrant and eye-catching flower with many colors and sizes. It is commonly grown as an ornamental plant in gardens and is often used for medicinal purposes in various cultures. The flower is also used to make teas, syrups, and jams. Hibiscus is known for its high content of antioxidants and is believed to have numerous health benefits, including reducing inflammation, lowering blood pressure, and promoting healthy liver function. The flower is also used in traditional medicine to treat various ailments, including respiratory infections, menstrual cramps, and digestive issues

  • Family (कुटुंब:) : Malvaceae (फैबेसी)
  • Leaves Color (पानांचा रंग): Green (हिरवा)

Plant Type (वनस्पती प्रकार): 

Ornamental Shrub (ऑर्नेमेंटल झाड)

Geographical Origin (भौगोलिक मूल): 

Tropical and Subtropical Regions (उष्णकटिबंधीय आणि उप-उष्णकटिबंधीय क्षेत्रे)

Plant Size (पौधे का आकार): 

Medium (मध्यम)

Sunlight Requirement (सूर्य किरणांची आवश्यकता): 

Full Sun to Partial Shade (पूर्ण सूर्य ते आर्धिक छायादेखील)

Plant Zone (प्लांट जोन):


Biodiversity (विविधता):

High (उच्च)

Food Item:(खाद्य वस्तू):

Yes, used to make teas, jams, and syrups (होय, चहा, जॅम, अन्नसिरप बनवण्यासाठी वापरले जातात)

Toxic  (विषाक्त):

No (नाही)

Fragrant (खुशबूदार): 

Mildly (थोडंसा)

4. Marigold

Marigold is a popular flower known for its vibrant colors and easy cultivation. It is commonly grown as an ornamental plant in gardens and is also used in traditional medicine. Marigold is believed to have anti-inflammatory properties and is used to treat skin conditions, digestive issues, and menstrual cramps. The flower is also used in various cultural practices and is considered to be a symbol of good luck and fortune. Marigolds are also popular in the floral industry and are often used in arrangements for weddings, funerals, and other special events.

  • Family (कुटुंब:) : Asteraceae (फैबेसी)
  • Leaves Color (पानांचा रंग): Green (हिरवा)

Plant Type (वनस्पती प्रकार): 

Annual Herb (वार्षिक जडबुटी)

Geographical Origin (भौगोलिक मूल): 

Mexico and Central America (मेक्सिको आणि मध्य अमेरिका)

Plant Size (पौधे का आकार): 

Small to Medium (छोटा ते मध्यम)

Sunlight Requirement (सूर्य किरणांची आवश्यकता): 

Full Sun (पूर्ण सूर्य)

Plant Zone (प्लांट जोन):


Biodiversity (विविधता):

Moderate (मध्यम)

Food Item:(खाद्य वस्तू):

No (नाही)

Toxic  (विषाक्त):

No (नाही)

Fragrant (खुशबूदार): 

Mildly (थोडंसा)

5. Bougainvillea 

Bougainvillea is a stunning and popular flowering plant that is native to South America. It is known for its colorful and long-lasting blooms, which are surrounded by bright bracts. Bougainvillea is a vine-like plant that can be trained to grow as a tree or shrub, and it is a popular choice for landscaping due to its hardiness and low maintenance. It thrives in warm, sunny climates and requires little water once established. The flower is also used in traditional medicine to treat a variety of ailments, including coughs and respiratory issues.

  • Family (कुटुंब:) : Asteraceae (फैबेसी)
  • Leaves Color (पानांचा रंग): Green (हिरवा)

Plant Type (वनस्पती प्रकार): 

Annual Herb (वार्षिक जडबुटी)

Geographical Origin (भौगोलिक मूल): 

Mexico and Central America (मेक्सिको आणि मध्य अमेरिका)

Plant Size (पौधे का आकार): 

Small to Medium (छोटा ते मध्यम)

Sunlight Requirement (सूर्य किरणांची आवश्यकता): 

Full Sun (पूर्ण सूर्य)

Plant Zone (प्लांट जोन):


Biodiversity (विविधता):

Moderate (मध्यम)

Food Item:(खाद्य वस्तू):

No (नाही)

Toxic  (विषाक्त):

No (नाही)

Fragrant (खुशबूदार): 

Mildly (थोडंसा)

6. Frangipani

Frangipani is a beautiful and fragrant tropical flower that is native to Central and South America. It is known for its stunning white, pink, and yellow blooms, which are often used in traditional Hawaiian leis. Frangipani is also used in traditional medicine to treat a variety of ailments, including skin irritations and fevers. The flower is commonly grown in tropical and subtropical regions and requires full sun and well-draining soil. It is a popular choice for landscaping and is often used in gardens and parks due to its aesthetic appeal and lovely fragrance.

  • Family (कुटुंब:) : Apocynaceae (अपोसाइनेसी)
  • Leaves Color (पानांचा रंग): Green (हिरवा)

Plant Type (वनस्पती प्रकार): 

Annual Herb (वार्षिक जडबुटी)

Geographical Origin (भौगोलिक मूल): 

Mexico and Central America (मेक्सिको आणि मध्य अमेरिका)

Plant Size (पौधे का आकार): 

Small to Medium (छोटा ते मध्यम)

Sunlight Requirement (सूर्य किरणांची आवश्यकता): 

Full Sun (पूर्ण सूर्य)

Plant Zone (प्लांट जोन):


Biodiversity (विविधता):

Moderate (मध्यम)

Food Item:(खाद्य वस्तू):

No (नाही)

Toxic  (विषाक्त):

No (नाही)

Fragrant (खुशबूदार): 

Mildly (थोडंसा)

7. Chrysanthemum

Chrysanthemum is a popular and versatile flower that is native to Asia and Europe. It is known for its large and colorful blooms, which come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Chrysanthemums are commonly used for cut flowers, floral arrangements, and even tea. The flower is also used in traditional medicine to treat a variety of ailments, including fever and headaches. Chrysanthemums are easy to grow and thrive in full sun and well-drained soil. They are a popular choice for gardens and landscaping due to their beauty and long-lasting blooms.

  • Family (कुटुंब:) : Asteraceae (एस्टेरेसी)
  • Leaves Color (पानांचा रंग): Green (हिरवा)

Plant Type (वनस्पती प्रकार): 

Herbaceous Perennial (हर्बेसेस परेनिअल)

Geographical Origin (भौगोलिक मूल): 

Asia and Europe (एशिया आणि युरोप)

Plant Size (पौधे का आकार): 

Medium (मध्यम)

Sunlight Requirement (सूर्य किरणांची आवश्यकता): 

Full Sun to Partial Shade (पूर्ण सूर्य ते आधीचा उजाळा)

Plant Zone (प्लांट जोन):


Biodiversity (विविधता):

High (उच्च)

Food Item:(खाद्य वस्तू):

Yes, used for tea and as a garnish (होय, चहा आणि आभारी म्हणून वापरला जातो)

Toxic  (विषाक्त):

No (नाही)

Fragrant (खुशबूदार): 

Yes, some varieties have a mild scent (होय, काही प्रजातींमध्ये स्वच्छ गंध असतो)

8. Jasmine 

Jasmine is a fragrant and delicate flower that is native to tropical regions of Asia, Europe, and Africa. It is known for its beautiful white or yellow blooms and sweet, floral fragrance, which is often used in perfumes and essential oils. Jasmine is also used in traditional medicine to treat a variety of ailments, including headaches and anxiety. The flower requires full sunlight and well-draining soil to thrive and is a popular choice for gardens and landscaping due to its beauty and lovely scent. Jasmine is also commonly used for weddings, religious ceremonies, and other special events.

  • Family (कुटुंब:) : Oleaceae (एस्टेरेसी)
  • Leaves Color (पानांचा रंग): Green (हिरवा)

Plant Type (वनस्पती प्रकार): 

Shrub or Climbing Vine (झाड किंवा उभयलिंगी बेल)

Geographical Origin (भौगोलिक मूल): 

Tropical regions of Asia, Europe, and Africa (एशिया, युरोप आणि अफ्रिकेच्या उष्णकटिबंधीय क्षेत्रे)

Plant Size (पौधे का आकार): 

Small to Medium (छोटा ते मध्यम)

Sunlight Requirement (सूर्य किरणांची आवश्यकता): 

Full Sun to Partial Shade (पूर्ण सूर्य ते आधीचा उजाळा)

Plant Zone (प्लांट जोन):


Biodiversity (विविधता):

High (उच्च)

Food Item:(खाद्य वस्तू):

No (नाही)

Toxic  (विषाक्त):

No (नाही)

Fragrant (खुशबूदार): 

Yes (होय)

9. Rose

The rose is one of the world’s most beloved and recognizable flowers, known for its stunning beauty and sweet fragrance. There are over 100 species of roses, each with their own unique appearance and scent. Roses are grown all over the world and come in a wide variety of colors, including red, pink, yellow, and white. They are commonly used for cut flowers, floral arrangements, and as a symbol of love and romance. Roses require full sunlight and well-draining soil to thrive and are a popular choice for gardens and landscaping due to their beauty and versatility.

  • Family (कुटुंब:) : Oleaceae (ओलिसेसी)
  • Leaves Color (पानांचा रंग): Green (हिरवा)

Plant Type (वनस्पती प्रकार): 

Shrub or Climbing Vine (झाड किंवा उभयलिंगी बेल)

Geographical Origin (भौगोलिक मूल): 

Tropical regions of Asia, Europe, and Africa (एशिया, युरोप आणि अफ्रिकेच्या उष्णकटिबंधीय क्षेत्रे)

Plant Size (पौधे का आकार): 

Small to Medium (छोटा ते मध्यम)

Sunlight Requirement (सूर्य किरणांची आवश्यकता): 

Full Sun to Partial Shade (पूर्ण सूर्य ते आधीचा उजाळा)

Plant Zone (प्लांट जोन):


Biodiversity (विविधता):

High (उच्च)

Food Item:(खाद्य वस्तू):

No (नाही)

Toxic  (विषाक्त):

No (नाही)

Fragrant (खुशबूदार): 

Yes (होय)

10. Sunflower

Sunflowers are one of the most recognizable flowers in the world, known for their bright yellow petals and brown centers. They are native to North America but are now grown worldwide. Sunflowers can grow up to 12 feet tall and require full sunlight. They are commonly used for their edible seeds, oil, and ornamental purposes. Sunflowers are strongly associated with happiness and positivity and are often given as gifts or used in decorative arrangements. They are also important for their role in providing food and habitat for various bird and insect species

  • Family (कुटुंब:) : Asteraceae (एस्टेरसी)
  • Leaves Color (पानांचा रंग): Green (हिरवा)

Plant Type (वनस्पती प्रकार): 

Annual or Perennial (वार्षिक किंवा बारशीतील)

Geographical Origin (भौगोलिक मूल): 

North and Central America (उत्तर आणि मध्य अमेरिका)

Plant Size (पौधे का आकार): 

Medium to Large (मध्यम ते मोठा)

Sunlight Requirement (सूर्य किरणांची आवश्यकता): 

Full Sun (पूर्ण सूर्य)

Plant Zone (प्लांट जोन):


Biodiversity (विविधता):

Moderate (मध्यम)

Food Item:(खाद्य वस्तू):

Yes (होय)

Toxic  (विषाक्त):

No (नाही)

Fragrant (खुशबूदार): 

No (नाही)

11. Morning Glory

Morning Glory is a beautiful flowering plant that is known for its vibrant colors and trumpet-shaped blooms. This plant is native to tropical and subtropical regions of the Americas and is popularly grown as an ornamental plant. Morning Glory flowers bloom in the morning and close in the afternoon, hence the name. The plant can grow up to 10 feet tall and requires full sunlight to thrive. Some species of Morning Glory are considered invasive due to their fast growth and tendency to spread. However, they are also valued for their medicinal properties and have been used in traditional medicine for centuries.

  • Family (कुटुंब:) : Convolvulaceae (कन्वोल्वुलेसी)
  • Leaves Color (पानांचा रंग): Green (हिरवा)

Plant Type (वनस्पती प्रकार): 

Annual or Perennial Climbing Vine (वार्षिक किंवा बारशीतील दरवाजा)

Geographical Origin (भौगोलिक मूल): 

Tropical and Subtropical Americas (उष्णकटिबंधीय आणि उपकटिबंधीय अमेरिका)

Plant Size (पौधे का आकार): 

Up to 10 feet tall (10 फूटपर्यंत मोठा)

Sunlight Requirement (सूर्य किरणांची आवश्यकता): 

Full Sun (पूर्ण सूर्य)

Plant Zone (प्लांट जोन):


Biodiversity (विविधता):

Moderate (मध्यम)

Food Item:(खाद्य वस्तू):

No (नाही)

Toxic  (विषाक्त):

Yes (होय)

Fragrant (खुशबूदार): 

Yes (होय)

12. Zinnia

Zinnia flowers are popular for gardeners due to their vibrant colors and ease of care. These annual flowers are native to Mexico and come in a range of colors, including pink, red, orange, yellow, and white. They are known for their daisy-like blooms and long, sturdy stems, making them ideal for cut flower arrangements. Zinnias require full sun and well-draining soil, and can grow up to 3 feet tall. They attract butterflies and hummingbirds, making them a great addition to any pollinator garden. Zinnias are also easy to grow from seed, making them popular for beginner gardeners.

  • Family (कुटुंब): Asteraceae (एस्टेरेसी)
  • Leaves Color (पानांचा रंग): Green (हिरवा)

Plant Type (वनस्पती प्रकार): 

Annual Flowering Plant (वार्षिक फूलगळ)

Geographical Origin (भौगोलिक मूल): 

Mexico (मेक्सिको)

Plant Size (पौधे का आकार): 

Up to 3 feet tall (3 फुटपर्यंत मोठा)

Sunlight Requirement (सूर्य किरणांची आवश्यकता): 

Full Sun (पूर्ण सूर्य)

Plant Zone (प्लांट जोन):


Biodiversity (विविधता):

Moderate (मध्यम)

Food Item:(खाद्य वस्तू):

No (नाही)

Toxic  (विषाक्त):

No (नाही)

Fragrant (खुशबूदार): 

No (नाही)

13. Cosmos

The Cosmos flower is a beautiful plant that belongs to the Asteraceae family. It is native to Mexico but is widely grown in many parts of the world for its striking beauty. The flower comes in a range of colors such as pink, white, red, and purple, and it typically blooms in the summer and fall months. Cosmos flowers are easy to grow and require minimal care, making them popular for gardeners. They also attract pollinators such as bees and butterflies, making them valuable to any garden or landscape.

  • Family (कुटुंब): Asteraceae (एस्टेरेसी)
  • Leaves Color (पानांचा रंग): Green (हिरवा)

Plant Type (वनस्पती प्रकार): 

Annual/Perennial (वार्षिक / सदाहरित)

Geographical Origin (भौगोलिक मूल): 

Mexico (मेक्सिको)

Plant Size (पौधे का आकार): 

2-6 feet tall (२-६ फुट उंच)

Sunlight Requirement (सूर्य किरणांची आवश्यकता): 

Full Sun (पूर्ण सूर्य)

Plant Zone (प्लांट जोन):


Biodiversity (विविधता):

High (उच्च)

Food Item:(खाद्य वस्तू):

No (नाही)

Toxic  (विषाक्त):

No (नाही)

Fragrant (खुशबूदार): 

Mildly fragrant (माझा)

14. Datura

The Datura flower, also known as the devil’s trumpet, is a highly ornamental plant with beautiful, trumpet-shaped flowers. It belongs to the Solanaceae family and is native to Mexico and South America. The plant can grow up to 5 feet tall and produces large, white or purple flowers with a sweet fragrance. However, all parts of the plant are highly toxic and can cause hallucinations, delirium, and even death if ingested. Despite its toxicity, the Datura flower has been used in traditional medicine for its sedative and pain-relieving properties.

  • Family (कुटुंब): Solanaceae (सोलेनेसेए)
  • Leaves Color (पानांचा रंग): Green (हिरवा)

Plant Type (वनस्पती प्रकार): 

Annual/Perennial (वार्षिक / सदाहरित)

Geographical Origin (भौगोलिक मूल): 

Mexico and South America(मेक्सिको आणि दक्षिण अमेरिका)

Plant Size (पौधे का आकार): 

Up to 5 feet tall (५ फुटपर्यंत उंच)

Sunlight Requirement (सूर्य किरणांची आवश्यकता): 

Full Sun to Partial Shade (पूर्ण सूर्यप्रकाश ते आधीचा छायाप्रकाश)

Plant Zone (प्लांट जोन):


Biodiversity (विविधता):

Medium (मध्यम)

Food Item:(खाद्य वस्तू):

No (नाही)

Toxic  (विषाक्त):

Highly Toxic (अतिविषारी)

Fragrant (खुशबूदार): 

Sweetly fragrant (मधुर)

15. Night-blooming Cereus

The Night-blooming Cereus flower is a rare and exquisite plant that blooms only at night. It belongs to the Cactaceae family and is native to the Americas. The plant produces large, white, and fragrant flowers that can reach up to 10 inches in diameter. The flowers usually bloom for only one night and close before dawn. To thrive, the plant requires specific growing conditions such as well-draining soil, full sun exposure, and warm temperatures. The Night-blooming Cereus flower is often grown as a houseplant and is highly prized for its unique beauty and fragrance.

  • Family (कुटुंब): Cactaceae (कॅक्टेसी)
  • Leaves Color (पानांचा रंग): Green (हिरवा)

Plant Type (वनस्पती प्रकार): 

Perennial (सदाहरित)

Geographical Origin (भौगोलिक मूल): 

Americas (अमेरिका)

Plant Size (पौधे का आकार): 

6-15 feet tall (६-१५ फुट उंच)

Sunlight Requirement (सूर्य किरणांची आवश्यकता): 

Full Sun (पूर्ण सूर्यप्रकाश)

Plant Zone (प्लांट जोन):


Biodiversity (विविधता):

Low (कमी)

Food Item:(खाद्य वस्तू):

No (नाही)

Toxic  (विषाक्त):

No (नाही)

Fragrant (खुशबूदार): 

Highly fragrant (अत्यंत सुगंधित)

16. China Rose

China Rose, also known as Hibiscus rosa-sinensis, is a popular flowering plant that is native to East Asia but is widely grown in tropical and subtropical regions around the world. The plant produces large, showy flowers in a range of colors, including red, pink, yellow, and orange, with a prominent central stamen. China Rose requires well-drained soil, full sun exposure, and regular watering to thrive. It is commonly used in landscaping and as an ornamental houseplant, adding color and beauty to gardens, balconies, and indoor spaces. The plant is also used in traditional medicine for its anti-inflammatory and antipyretic properties.

  • Family (कुटुंब): Malvaceae (माल्वेसी)
  • Leaves Color (पानांचा रंग): Green (हिरवा)

Plant Type (वनस्पती प्रकार): 

Perennial (सदाहरित)

Geographical Origin (भौगोलिक मूल): 

East Asia (ईस्ट एशिया)

Plant Size (पौधे का आकार): 

3-15 feet tall (३-१५ फुट उंच)

Sunlight Requirement (सूर्य किरणांची आवश्यकता): 

Full Sun to Partial Shade (पूर्ण सूर्यप्रकाश ते आधीचा छायाप्रकाश)

Plant Zone (प्लांट जोन):


Biodiversity (विविधता):

Medium (मध्यम)

Food Item:(खाद्य वस्तू):

No (नाही)

Toxic  (विषाक्त):

No (नाही)

Fragrant (खुशबूदार): 

Mildly fragrant (माझा)

17. Queen of the Night

The Queen of the Night flower, also known as Selenicereus grandiflorus, is a rare and exotic plant that produces stunning blooms. It belongs to the Cactaceae family and is native to Central and South America. The plant produces large, fragrant, white flowers that bloom only at night, with the blooms lasting for only a few hours. To thrive, the plant requires specific growing conditions such as well-draining soil, full sun exposure, and warm temperatures. The Queen of the Night flower is often grown as a houseplant and is highly prized for its unique beauty and nocturnal bloom.

  • Family (कुटुंब): Malvaceae (माल्वेसी)
  • Leaves Color (पानांचा रंग): Green (हिरवा)

Plant Type (वनस्पती प्रकार): 

Perennial (सदाहरित)

Geographical Origin (भौगोलिक मूल): 

East Asia (ईस्ट एशिया)

Plant Size (पौधे का आकार): 

3-15 feet tall (३-१५ फुट उंच)

Sunlight Requirement (सूर्य किरणांची आवश्यकता): 

Full Sun to Partial Shade (पूर्ण सूर्यप्रकाश ते आधीचा छायाप्रकाश)

Plant Zone (प्लांट जोन):


Biodiversity (विविधता):

Medium (कमी)

Food Item:(खाद्य वस्तू):

No (नाही)

Toxic  (विषाक्त):

No (नाही)

Fragrant (खुशबूदार): 

Mildly fragrant (अत्यंत सुगंधित)

18. Parijat

The Parijat flower, also known as Night-flowering Jasmine, is a small tree or shrub that belongs to the Nyctanthes genus. It is native to South Asia and Southeast Asia, and is widely cultivated in tropical and subtropical regions around the world. The plant produces small, delicate, white flowers with orange tubes, which bloom only at night and fall off in the morning. The Parijat flower has significant cultural and religious significance in Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism, and is used in traditional medicine for its anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. It is also prized for its unique beauty and fragrance.

  • Family (कुटुंब): Nyctanthes (ओलीसी)
  • Leaves Color (पानांचा रंग): Green (हिरवा)

Plant Type (वनस्पती प्रकार): 

Shrub or small tree (कुटटी अथवा लहान झाड)

Geographical Origin (भौगोलिक मूल): 

South Asia (दक्षिण एशिया)

Plant Size (पौधे का आकार): 

Up to 33 feet tall (३३ फुटपर्यंत उंच)

Sunlight Requirement (सूर्य किरणांची आवश्यकता): 

Full Sun to Partial Shade (पूर्ण सूर्यप्रकाश ते आधीचा छायाप्रकाश)

Plant Zone (प्लांट जोन):


Biodiversity (विविधता):

High (उच्च)

Food Item:(खाद्य वस्तू):

No (नाही)

Toxic  (विषाक्त):

No (नाही)

Fragrant (खुशबूदार): 

Highly fragrant (अतिशय सुगंधित)

19. Indian Blanket

The Indian Blanket flower, also known as Gaillardia pulchella, is a popular wildflower that is native to North and South America. It is an annual plant that produces bright and showy flowers with red or yellow petals and a central disk that is usually brown or black. The plant blooms from spring to fall, requiring well-drained soil and full sun exposure to thrive. The Indian Blanket flower is a hardy plant that is often used in wildflower meadows, rock gardens, and as a border plant. It is also attractive to pollinators such as butterflies and bees.

  • Family (कुटुंब): Asteraceae (अस्टेरेसी)
  • Leaves Color (पानांचा रंग): Green (हिरवा)

Plant Type (वनस्पती प्रकार): 

Annual (वार्षिक)

Geographical Origin (भौगोलिक मूल): 

North and South America (उत्तर आणि दक्षिण अमेरिका)

Plant Size (पौधे का आकार): 

1-2 feet tall and wide (१-२ फुट उंच आणि रुंद)

Sunlight Requirement (सूर्य किरणांची आवश्यकता): 

Full Sun (पूर्ण सूर्यप्रकाश)

Plant Zone (प्लांट जोन):


Biodiversity (विविधता):

Medium (मध्यम)

Food Item:(खाद्य वस्तू):

No (नाही)

Toxic  (विषाक्त):

No (नाही)

Fragrant (खुशबूदार): 

Mildly fragrant (थोडं सुगंधित)

20. Flame of the Forest

The Flame of the Forest flower, also known as Butea monosperma, is a tree species that is native to South Asia. The tree produces vibrant and striking orange-red flowers that bloom in clusters during the spring season. The flowers are known for their stunning beauty and are often used in Hindu religious ceremonies. The tree is deciduous, shedding its leaves in the winter season. The Flame of the Forest tree requires full sun exposure and well-drained soil to thrive. It is also known for its medicinal properties and is used in traditional Ayurvedic medicine for treating various ailments.

  • Family (कुटुंब): Fabaceae (फॅबेसी)
  • Leaves Color (पानांचा रंग): Green (हिरवा)

Plant Type (वनस्पती प्रकार): 

Tree (झाड)

Geographical Origin (भौगोलिक मूल): 

South Asia (दक्षिण एशिया)

Plant Size (पौधे का आकार): 

30-40 feet tall (३०-४० फुट उंच)

Sunlight Requirement (सूर्य किरणांची आवश्यकता): 

Full Sun (पूर्ण सूर्यप्रकाश)

Plant Zone (प्लांट जोन):


Biodiversity (विविधता):

Medium (मध्यम)

Food Item:(खाद्य वस्तू):

No (नाही)

Toxic  (विषाक्त):

No (नाही)

Fragrant (खुशबूदार): 

Mildly fragrant (थोडं सुगंधित)

21. Balsam

The Balsam flower, also known as Impatiens balsamina, is an annual plant that is native to Asia. The plant produces vibrant and colorful flowers with five petals that bloom in shades of pink, red, white, and purple. The flowers also have a distinctive spur at the back of the bloom. The Balsam flower requires moist and well-drained soil and partial to full shade to grow. It is a popular garden plant that adds a splash of color to flower beds and borders. The plant is also used in traditional medicine for treating skin irritations and other ailments.

  • Family (कुटुंब): Balsaminaceae (बाल्सामिनेसी)
  • Leaves Color (पानांचा रंग): Green (हिरवा)

Plant Type (वनस्पती प्रकार): 

Annual (वार्षिक)

Geographical Origin (भौगोलिक मूल): 

Asia (एशिया)

Plant Size (पौधे का आकार): 

1-2 feet tall and wide (१-२ फुट उंच आणि रुंद)

Sunlight Requirement (सूर्य किरणांची आवश्यकता): 

Partial to Full Shade (आंशिक ते पूर्ण छायाप्रकाश)

Plant Zone (प्लांट जोन):


Biodiversity (विविधता):

Medium (मध्यम)

Food Item:(खाद्य वस्तू):

No (नाही)

Toxic  (विषाक्त):

No (नाही)

Fragrant (खुशबूदार): 

Mildly fragrant (थोडं सुगंधित)

22. Globe Amaranth

The Globe Amaranth flower, also known as Gomphrena globosa, is a small, annual plant that is native to Central and South America. The plant produces small, globe-shaped flowers in shades of pink, purple, white, and red. The flowers are long-lasting and can be dried for use in floral arrangements. The Globe Amaranth flower is a popular garden plant due to its drought tolerance and ease of care. It thrives in full sun to partial shade and well-drained soil. It is also used in traditional medicine for treating various ailments such as coughs and fevers.

  • Family (कुटुंब): Amaranthaceae (अमरांथेसी)
  • Leaves Color (पानांचा रंग): Green (हिरवा)

Plant Type (वनस्पती प्रकार): 

Annual (वार्षिक)

Geographical Origin (भौगोलिक मूल): 

Central and South America (केंद्रीय आणि दक्षिण अमेरिका)

Plant Size (पौधे का आकार): 

Up to 2 feet tall (२ फुटपर्यंत उंच)

Sunlight Requirement (सूर्य किरणांची आवश्यकता): 

Full Sun (पूर्ण सूर्यप्रकाश)

Plant Zone (प्लांट जोन):


Biodiversity (विविधता):

Low (कमी)

Food Item:(खाद्य वस्तू):

No (नाही)

Toxic  (विषाक्त):

No (नाही)

Fragrant (खुशबूदार): 

Yes (होय)

23. Wild Himalayan Cherry

The Wild Himalayan Cherry, also known as Prunus cerasoides, is a small to medium-sized tree that is native to the Himalayan region of Asia. In spring, the tree produces clusters of beautiful, pink or white, fragrant flowers. The flowers are followed by small, edible fruit that are similar to cherries. The Wild Himalayan Cherry is often used as an ornamental tree in gardens and parks, and is also valued for its medicinal properties in traditional medicine. The tree prefers full sun to partial shade and well-drained soil, and is tolerant of cold temperatures.

  • Family (कुटुंब): Rosaceae (रोसेसी)
  • Leaves Color (पानांचा रंग): Green (हिरवा)

Plant Type (वनस्पती प्रकार): 

Tree (झाड)

Geographical Origin (भौगोलिक मूल): 

Himalayan region of Asia (हिमालयी क्षेत्र ऑफ एशिया)

Plant Size (पौधे का आकार): 

Up to 60 feet tall (६० फुटपर्यंत उंच)

Sunlight Requirement (सूर्य किरणांची आवश्यकता): 

Full Sun to Partial Shade (पूर्ण सूर्यप्रकाश ते आंशिक छायाप्रकाश)

Plant Zone (प्लांट जोन):


Biodiversity (विविधता):

High (कमी)

Food Item:(खाद्य वस्तू):

Yes (होय)

Toxic  (विषाक्त):

No (नाही)

Fragrant (खुशबूदार): 

Yes (होय)

24. Indian Coral Tree

The Indian Coral Tree, also known as Erythrina variegata, is a medium-sized deciduous tree that is native to Southeast Asia and India. The tree produces showy, bright red flowers that resemble coral. The flowers are followed by long seed pods that contain bright red seeds. The Indian Coral Tree is an ornamental tree that is commonly planted in gardens and parks for its beautiful flowers and attractive foliage. The tree prefers full sun to partial shade and well-drained soil. It is also used in traditional medicine to treat various ailments such as fever and inflammation.

  • Family (कुटुंब): Fabaceae (फॅबेसी)
  • Leaves Color (पानांचा रंग): Green (हिरवा)

Plant Type (वनस्पती प्रकार): 

Tree (झाड)

Geographical Origin (भौगोलिक मूल): 

Southeast Asia and India (दक्षिणपूर्व एशिया आणि भारत)

Plant Size (पौधे का आकार): 

Up to 50 feet tall (५० फुटपर्यंत उंच)

Sunlight Requirement (सूर्य किरणांची आवश्यकता): 

Full Sun to Partial Shade (पूर्ण सूर्यप्रकाश ते आंशिक छायाप्रकाश)

Plant Zone (प्लांट जोन):


Biodiversity (विविधता):

High (उच्च)

Food Item:(खाद्य वस्तू):

No (नाही)

Toxic  (विषाक्त):

No (नाही)

Fragrant (खुशबूदार): 

No (नाही)

25. Flame Lily

The Flame Lily, also known as Gloriosa superba, is a striking climbing vine that is native to tropical and southern Africa and Asia. The plant produces beautiful, fiery orange and yellow flowers that are shaped like flames. The Flame Lily is often grown as an ornamental plant for its attractive flowers, but its roots and seeds contain toxins that can be harmful if ingested. In traditional medicine, the plant has been used to treat a variety of ailments including snake bites and arthritis. The Flame Lily prefers full sun and well-drained soil and can be grown in containers or trained to climb a trellis or wall.

  • Family (कुटुंब): Colchicaceae (कॉल्चिकेसी)
  • Leaves Color (पानांचा रंग): Green (हिरवा)

Plant Type (वनस्पती प्रकार): 

Climbing Vine (दुसरा लांबवळा)

Geographical Origin (भौगोलिक मूल): 

Tropical and southern Africa and Asia (उष्णकटिबंधीय आणि दक्षिण अफ्रिका आणि एशिया)

Plant Size (पौधे का आकार): 

Up to 6 feet tall (६ फुटपर्यंत उंच)

Sunlight Requirement (सूर्य किरणांची आवश्यकता): 

Full Sun (पूर्ण सूर्यप्रकाश)

Plant Zone (प्लांट जोन):


Biodiversity (विविधता):

High (उच्च)

Food Item:(खाद्य वस्तू):

No (नाही)

Toxic  (विषाक्त):

Yes (होय)

Fragrant (खुशबूदार): 

No (नाही)


In conclusion, learning about different types of flowers is a fun and exciting way to explore the natural world around us. By knowing the names of flowers, we can appreciate their beauty and significance and also understand how they play an important role in our lives and the environment.

In this article, we have introduced you to 25 flowers and their names in Marathi, which you can use to impress your friends and family with your knowledge of flowers. We have also discussed the importance of flowers, how they are used for decoration, cultural and religious purposes, and even for medicinal benefits.

So, next time you see a flower, try to identify it by its name and appreciate its beauty and importance. And don’t forget, we already have an article on flower names in Hindi and English that you can read too.


Who is the queen of flowers?

The Rose (गुलाब) is often referred to as the “Queen of Flowers”. It is one of the world’s most popular and beloved flowers, known for its beauty, fragrance, and cultural significance. The rose comes in various colours and is often associated with love, passion, and romance.

Which is Lord Krishna’s Favourite flower?

Lord Krishna’s favourite flower is the Lotus (कमळ), often associated with purity, spirituality, and enlightenment in Hinduism and other Eastern religions.

What are top 5 flowers?


Which flower is rare in Maharashtra?

One rare flower that can be found in Maharashtra is the “Katesar” or “Brahmakamal” (Saussurea obvallata), which grows in the Himalayan region and blooms in August-September.

What is the Marathi name of queen of the night flower?

The Marathi name for the Queen of the Night flower is “Raat Rani” (रात रानी), which translates to “Night Queen”.

What is the importance of flowers in Marathi culture?

Flowers hold significant cultural importance in Marathi culture and are used in various traditions and rituals, including weddings, religious ceremonies, and festivals.

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